Millennium Green

Millenium Obelisk & Green

Extract from Shrawley Parish Council Assets

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Shrawley commemorated the Millennium with the erection of an obelisk on the newly renamed Millennium Green.  The obelisk contained a time capsule containing articles appropriate to the date.

On the 6th February 2022, a group of villagers gathered to witness the official re-opening of the Millennium Green.  This was the date of the 70th Anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne and was the Shrawley contribution to the Queen’s Green Canopy project. The whole area had been cleared, re-sown with grass seed, hedges had been tamed, two new seats installed and 12 fruit trees planted.

Millennium Green before and after clearance 2020/2021​

The Queen’s Green Canopy Project – February 2022

On the 6th February a group of villagers gathered to witness the official re-opening of the Millennium Green.  This was the date of the 70th Anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne and was the Shrawley contribution to the Queen’s Green Canopy project. The whole area had been cleared, re-sown with grass seed, hedges had been tamed, two new seats installed and 12 fruit trees planted.  The fruit trees were chosen as they were all Worcestershire varieties and they will look beautiful in the Spring and hopefully be productive in the Autumn.

This initiative was led by Mike Dymond on behalf of the Parish Council.  Wild flowers and bulbs purchased by the Parish Council have been planted on the green and elsewhere in the village by Chris Freeman.

Millennium Obelisk

Shrawley commemorated the Millennium with the erection of an obelisk on the newly renamed Millennium Green.  The obelisk contained a time capsule containing articles appropriate to the date.

Official ‘opening’ of the Millennium Obelisk.  Elsie Westwood, as the oldest Shrawley resident performed the ceremony.  She is standing to immediate left of the obelisk.