Houses and Householders

Houses and Householders

A list of Place Names and Holdings with names of Owners ,Freeholders,Copyholders and Tenants discovered so far using Parish Registers, Wills, Courts Rolls,Census ,Taxes ,Maps etc and the Vernon Estate Records.Compiled by Valerie Powick and Chris Dring

If you have any information on your house you would like to share with us, please do get in touch

NB: Pressing CTRL and F will bring up a search box

This spreadsheet is by person rather than house, there are still a few gaps so bear with us until we fill them in! owners_copyholders_and_freeholders.xlsx

House NameOccupants
AER MOORE1607 MR CHILDE   Rental  BA 7335  705:7  20ii  Demesne land
ASH BED1839 MARY BOURNE owner occ. By  ROBERT BRAZIER  42 on Tithe 1871 HENRY HATFIELD   lab Brickyard     Census1871 HENRY HATFIELD   lab Brickyard     Census1881 HENRY HATFIELD   brick burnerCensus​​
BARFORD HOPYARD​1815 JOHN BEACH1839 Upper and Lower Barford (no longer a hop yard)  JOHN BEACH (Tithe)
BARLEY GREEN1607 THOMAS STONE  Rental  BA 7335  705:7   20ii  Demesne land1839 MARY BOURNE (Tithe)
BARN COTTAGE ,Eastgrove 2000Value
BARTLAM  HOUSE  also HERBATCH – BARTLANDS1548 Held by JOHN BARTLAMS 7335/20   (8)1599 ALICE BARTLAM   Oct payment of fine due 1609 Daughter THOMASON christened Dec1611 THOMASON & ALES, widow of JOHN, died September?      MR ROBERT BOURNE1817 ROBERT BOURNE  Gent.died Dec 1st aged 83yrs 18221 9th/20th March Sale by Auction held at Bartlands -Farm stock, implements and household furniture property of MRS SARAH BOURNE.Wife of the late ROBERT BOURNE (see also Shrawley Court) Family moved to Ombersley1827Mrs THOMAS BOURNE Prop   Thomas Watkins occ.  Land Tax18390cc  WILLIAM PIPER   owner  SUSAN BOURNE    (Tithe)1841 WILLIAM PIPER   FarmerCensus1864 WILLIAM WATKINS    Elect Reg  of Woodfield, Ombersley  F  H/L1873 JAMES MARKS Littlebury Directory [ Bartlands ] 1874 JAMES MARKS      H/L as occ     Elect reg 1880 IN LOVING MEMORY OF / JAMES MARKS   / OF THE BARTLANDS / WHO DIED FEBRUARY 21ST 1880 / AGED 70 YEARS / ALSO ANN RELICT OF THE ABOVE / WHO FELL  ASLEEP IN JESUS / MARCH 20TH 1891 / AGED 77 YEARS SM 1867 1881 ANN MARKS   (John Marks -son farmer of 16 acres ) Census  [Bartland ]1900 MR ALFRED THOMAS ONIONS HAWKINS  in June made a Trustee of the Vernon                 Bourne Charity 1901 Mr LE WALKE1904 ​ALFRED THOMAS O’LANS HAWKINS1911 Mr LE WALKECensus1928 SIDNEY MASTERMAN taken from a book published in 1928
1839 PETER SHARP occupier .Owner Vernons  Tithe Award
1841 JOHN TONKES   Lab Census 
BAYTONS  –  BEATONS  –  BEETONS  –  BEESTONS  –  alias STONEY DINGLE1548 JOHN HAMPTON rent 6s   BA 7335/20(8)1550 ““            (Baytons)1578 ““            (Beatons)1650 JOHN WALKER  (Beatons)  Rental for copihold  6s   BA 7335/201684 BRYAN SEAVERNE (Beetons)?      JOHN HOPKINS  &  ROBERT STONE   (Beatons)1694 JOHN HOPKINS  (Beetons alias Stoney Dingle)1726 THOMAS BAKER     (Beatons alias Stoney Dingle)1825 JOHN DRUMMOND?1840 LORD WARD (trustees), tenant  –  M.BARROW
BAXTERS GREEN —BAXTERS COTTAGE1661 Cottages erected on the WasteJOHN WALLTHOMAS LENThomas Len mMary Cooke in 1664Thomas was born 1629 son of James Len Mary died 1682   m.   ANN(1682-1692)1839 ANN STEEL   occ. (trustee T.B.VERNON)  (T)1881 SAMUEL HARRIS lab  Census1881J OSEPH THRUPP Blacksmith  Census1901 THOMAS BUNCE small farmer  Census1911 Mr W BUNCE Census 
BONEFIELDS -BUNFIELDS- BONFIELD – BUNN FIELDS – BOONEFIELDS1615 CHRISTIAN SENKYN   (Bunyfelde)1616 CHRISTIAN SENKYN   (Bunfields)1638 WILLIAM HAMPTON   (13th  year  of CHARLES 1st)1684 Road  to  Bonfield  impeded by a tree not felled by JOANNA COOK  of  Burnt House)1708Jun 20th WILLIAM s of WILLIAM & SUSAN JONES bap1733 BUNNFIELDS  map by dougharty -belonging to Bowater Vernon  Tenant  Robert Wormington1773 EDWARD POWICK rented Bonefields paid tythe £2 -13- 81808 NASH Esq. Paid 10d rent to J. Phillips  (Bunfields) Freehold1812J OHN HOUSEMAN  (late SLADE NASH)1834 JOHN POYKE18390 cc. By SARAH POWICK  (owned by T.B.VERNON) (Tithe)1840 H.F.VERNON   (occ  PARTRIDGE)1841 SARAH POWICK   Census1857 THOMAS JONES  Elec Reg  1873 THOMAS JONES  senior farmer   Littlebury’s Directory  1881 THOMAS JONES   farmer 52 acres Census – Bunn Fields1928 JAS PARTRIDGE   farmer taken from a book published in 1928
BOWPIT —BOPIT-POPPIT-POWPITT-POOLPITT-POLPITT-BOONPITT TURNERS–COLPEYTT-HOW PITT–BOPIT FARM​1520 RICHARD SEVERN Lay Subsidy Rolls Pd 4d tax Goods valued @ 20s Ref L142.44 page 881540 ANN MARTEN  bur Shrawley1548 THOMAS MARTEN  (Colpeytt )  Rental pd 4s  BA 7335/201607 JOHN MARTEN  Rental  BA 7335/20  111612 ANN Mar 25th ANN d. of JOHN MARTEN bap1613J AMES MARTENS   (Powpitt)1615 JOHN MARTEN  (Poolpit)1615 JOHN WITTEN   (Poolpitt)1627 JOHN MARTEN  (copyhold)1630 JOHN MARTEN son and heir of JACOBUS MARTIN admitted tenant1650 JAMES MARTENS  (Poolspitt) 1661 THOMAS MARTIN  died 16611691 Jan 26th ELIZABETH d.of THOMAS & ELIZABETH MARTIN ba1693 THOMAS MARTIN  (Popitt)1694 THOMAS MARTIN   (PoPitt)1731 THOMAS MARTIN   (Po Pitt)1743 WILLIAM MARTIN died  -passed to his wife MARY1801 THOMAS MARTIN died  Thos. Martin died owning the copy-holds of King’s Hill and Gilberts and the freehold of Turners. Sarah heir to King’s Hill, Gilberts and Popitts. Turners = Poppits  .Turners Orchard opposite Bowpit1800 MR JACKSON1800 Jn. JACKSON paid 4sh rent to J Phillips  Copyhold1803 SARAH JACKSON  -see under King’s Hill1812 SARAH JACKSON1827 JOHN JACKSON    Land Tax1839 WILLIAM PEARMAN  occ. by JOHN WORMINGTON  Tithe1840 MRS PEARMAN  -tenant JOHN WORMINGTON 1841 THOMAS MILES     Census1841 JOHN WORMINGTON   Census1851 JOHN WORMINGTON  Farmer 40 acres (Powpitt)1881 THOMAS JONES    Haulier   Census1911 Mr COPE    Census1928 ALBERT HARVEY GREEN   Farmer –taken from a book published in 1928 
Tithe 392 Description Brant House Buildings & Garden & Four Tenements O/S52.290339 -2.296377
AGNES ROPER  rent 7s      BA 7335/20(8)1548 ROBERT ASTON   ( A cottage -Ropers)rental 7s BA 7335/201548 WILLIAM PATWIN   (and Pipers Hill)1548-1553 JOHN MILLARD 1 meese and 10- virgates nockes of land rent 7sh BA 7335/20   part311607 ROBERT STONE (Burnt House)  Rental BA 7335/20  111614 Apr.14th CHRISTIAN d.f ROBERT STONE bap1614 ROBERT STONE     (Ropers)1616 ROBERT STONE1630 ROBART STONE     (Ropers)1650 ROBERT STONE   rent for copyhold 7s  BA 7335/21658 ROBERT STONE1662 Hearth Tax for 1 dwelling1662 ROBERT STONE  BA .7385  705.7  p18  RentalJOANNA COOK   -see under Bonefields1693 ROBERT STONE    (Burnt House)1694 JOANNA COOK(Ropers)ELIZABETH WORMINGTON—passed to her son ROBERT1743ROBERT STONE  died passed to d’s –ELIZABETH,ANN and MARYROBERT WORMINGTON and JOAN mortgaged to WILLIAM VERNON of StourbridgeJOHN GREEN and ANN (d of ROBERT STONE )-passed to the heirs of WILLAM CARTER1750 WILLIAM CARTER and ELIZABETH his wife –passed to ROBERT WORMINGTON and THOMAS FITZERMARY SEAVERNE,spinster ,and JAMES BRASIER  Gent. (mortgagor?)  passed to JOHN SOUTHALL of Little Witley1785 WILLIAM WHARTON  died – passed to ANN his widow  (Ropers or Burnt House)1789 ANN WHARTON1792 JOHN SOUTHALL  died – passed to his son WILLIAM, then to EDWARD SMITH of Stourport    (Cobblers  and Ropers)(Will)1793 EDWARD SMITH  – passed to JOHN HOUSEMAN , wheelwright  (Cobblers and Ropers)1801 JOHN HOUSEMAN—passed to WILLIAM SOUTHALL of Abberley  (Cobblers Lane and Ropers)1808 Rental–WILLIAM SOUTHALL paid 3sh rent to JOHN PHILLIPS for Cobblers Lane1808 WIDOW WHARTON    paid   7sh rent  to JOHN PHILLIPS   copyhold 1811 WILLIAM STEEL1812 WILLIAM SOUTHALL died – passed to his widow,ANN1812 ROBERT WORMINGTON1816 ANN SOUTHALLm JOSEPH BATEMAN (came before W.Bourne and T. Pickernell  £200 given to Thomas Crane to pay off Southall’s debts)1827 ROBINSON   Land Tax1828 ROBINSON/WILLIAMS to John Lewis (£800)1839  JOHN LEWIS owner Occ. By William Duggins,Walter Ashcroft,Henry Symmonds and Jane Meredith   (Tithe)1841 JOHN LEWIS     Census1844 JOHN LEWIS  Copyhold Land   Electoral Reg western div Stourport District1857 Oct 11th THOMAS s of WILLIAM &MARY ANN SIMMONDS bap lab1881 SARAH COUND   a widow  Census    Brant house1881 THOMAS DAVIS  a carpenter  Census   Brant House1901 JOHN WESTWOOD  market gardener   Census 1904 JOHN WESTWOOD   farmer (K.D.)        In later years Ropers and Cobblers always go together1928 ROLAND ELLIS COE   Farmer-taken from a book published in 1928 
BRANT FARM CARAVAN  SITE many static homes
BRANTLY —Noutards Green
BREMAN , Cobblers Lane
BREWERS1808 MRS TYLER   pd  2sh rent to JOHN PHILLIPS  1812 THOMAS OLDBURY  pd 2sh rent
BRICKYARDS1841 GEORGE PULLEN  Brick maker  Census
BRIDGE FARM –GLAZENBRIDGE – GLASEN – GLASSON BRIDGE – GLAZENBRIDGE –GLASSHAMPTON1616 THOMAS YARRANTON   (P.R.)1617 THOMAS YARRANTON  died  (Glasenbridge)   (P.R.)1652 WILLIAM JONES       died  (P.R.)1662 WILLIAM JONES  (Hearth Tax for 1)1684 WILLIAM JONES1705 WILLIAM JONES   (Inventory and Admin.)1796 WILLIAM BEACH1792 MR WILLIAM BEACH  paid 10sh rent   (rent Account)1793 JOHN BEACH1793 WILLIAM BEACH  paid 10sh rent BA 7335/107 (iv) 59 1798 JOHN BEACH  (rental)1799 MARY BEACH  (Admin)1804 WILLIAM BEACH   (Will)1808 WIDOW BEACH (Chief rent to J Phillips  Freehold 10sh)1812/1815 MRS BEACH   (Late Wm.  Glasson Bridge)1815 MARTHA BEACH1820 JOHN BEACH1827 JOHN BEACH  Land Tax1838 JOHN BEACH  (Extended the house)1839 JOHN BEACH   (T) 1840 JOHN BEACHgreen1841 JOHN BEACH   Census1843 JOHN BEACH    Elect Reg   Freehold  H/L1844 JOHN BEACH Freehold H/L  Elect Reg1870 JOHN BEACH   (died late of Glasshampton or Glazenbridge ) SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF / JOHN BEACH / OF GLASSHAMPTON BRIDGE FARM IN THIS PARISH / WHO DIED MARCH 1ST 1870 / AGED 84 YEARS  /THE ABOVE DECREED IN HIS LAST WILL AND / TESTAMENT DATED [ 29TH?] OF JUNE 1869 / REQUESTS THAT THIS [     ] THE INSCRIPTION / UPON IT AND ALSO [     ] AND THAT STONES STANDING NEAR WITH THEIR INSCRIPTIONS EMMA CECIL1872 THOMAS JONES jun.  H/L as occ   Elect Reg   JOHN JACKSON of Wormdale Bridgenorth   Freehold H/L  Elect Reg 1873 THOMAS JONES  farmer Littlebury Directory  (Glasshampton)1881 THOMAS ASHMORE farmer 60 acres  Census1896 ALFRED GREEN farmer Kelly’s.Directory 1904 ALFRED GREEN farmer  (Glazon Bridge)  (K D )
BRIG HOUSE       Sankyns Green1839 THOMAS PICKERNELL owner WILLIAM ROWLEY occ  Tithe 166
BROOKMEDE   bungalow opposite Rose and CrownValue
BROOKHOUSE1419 JOHANNES STONE died 3s4d per annum 1 heriot due on death -1 ox worth 7s ( Court Record)1827 JOHN FORD  Land Tax
BRYGHT HEYE1548 ROBERT HARBAGE  one acre of pasture 12sh per annum  BA 7335/20 part  31
CALCROFT  –  CALKYNE CROFT   (field)  CALVERCROFT1389 Bailiffs account 4s paid for herbage around Calvercroft   BA 91/921548 THOMAS SEVERNE    (Callcroft)  Rental  Ba 7335/20 (8)1607 MR CHILDE  (Calkincroft) Rental    BA7335  705:7  20ii  Demesne land(Calkyncroft) £4 rental per annum
CALDICOTTS–COBBLERS LANE  –  COBBLERS HOUSE  –  COBBLER1611 THOMAS COOKE  (Cobblers)  Inventory of his goods and chattels.  Died 19TH Oct 1611 bur. Shrawley
1613 May 1st RICHARD s. of JOHN COOKE bap
1645 JOHN COOKE    died
1693 WILLIAM COOKE    (Cobblers Land)
1706 THOMAS STONE    (Cobblers Lane )
1743 RICHARD  STONE   (Cobblers House)passed to d’s ELIZABETH ,ANN and MARY (together with Ropers)
1746 JOHN GREEN and ANN  (d of RICHARD STONE)  to heirs of  WILLIAM CARTER
1755 ELIZABETH CARTER – passed to MARY SEAVERNE,  spinster
1758 MARY SEAVERNE – passed to JOHN SOUTHALL of Little Witley
1760 JOHN SOUTHALL   registered his claim
1792 Passed to son of John Southall’s son WILLIAM SOUTHALL
1816 WILLIAM SOUTHALL deceased surrendered toTHOMAS CRANE by ANN TURNER wife of WILLIAM SOUTHALL to pay his debts of £200
1881 GEORGE HODGKINSON farmer 17 1/2  acres          [Coblers Farm]
1904 FREDERICK FORD – farmer ( Colcicotts—K.D.)
CARRADINE CLOSE – CURRADINE – CURRADYNE1607 JOHN MARTEN rental  BA 7335   705:7   20iiDemesne land1607 MR CHILDE  (Curradine)  also Church Field and Shruars Field  Rental  demesne land1650 JOHN MARTYN  (Carradyne)  20s per ann. Dem. land1733 BOWATER VERNON   Dougharty MapT.B.VERNON Trustees
CARTERS   –  CARTHOUSE and (Hunt Field|)1548 THOMAS MARTEN   BA 7335/20 (8)1581 Oct 8th JANE d of RICHARD MARTEN bap1583 Apr 5th CHRISTIAN d. of RICHARD MARTEN bap1592 Mar 31st THOMAS son of RICHARD MARTEN bap1607 RICHARD MARTEN  Rental  BA 7335/20  111615 THOMAS MARTIN   (Carthouse)1615 Apr.11th CHRISTIAN d of THOMAS MARTEN bap1615 CHRISTIAN SENKYN   (Carters)1616 CHRISTIAN SANKYN1617THOMAS MARTEN1617 Oct 19th THOMAS s of THOMAS MARTIN bap1630 JOHN MARTEN  admitted tenant as CHRISTIAN SEAVERNE alias SENKYN died seized of customary tenancy CARTERS and HUNTES LOADE .  Court Roll  17th century  JOHN CLERK alias GILBERT passed to WALTER SEVERNE alia SENKYN1650 WALTER SANKYN (Carters and Hunters Field) Rent for copihold 10s1/2d1653 RICHARD MARTIN1653  Oct 23rd RICHARD s. of RICHARD MARTIN bap1694  RICHARD MARTIN   (Carthouses)1703 THOMAS MARTIN1710THOMAS MARTIN  died  –  passed to widow ROBERTA and son THOMAS1743 WALTER GRIFFITHS died  – passed  to WALTER and ESTHER GRIFFITHS(rented to SAMUEL HILL )1754 MARY GRIFFITHS and THOMAS  – passed to WALTER and ESTHER GRIFFITHS  (rented to SAMUEL HILL)1800 THOMAS SQUIRE1808 MRS SQUIRES   for Carthouses pd 10sh 1d to J  PHILLIPS  copyhold1812 MRS SQUIRES  late THOMAS SEVERN1827 JANE SQUIRE   Prop James Haywood occ. Land Tax1833J ANE SQUIRES died 18341839T. B .VERNON Carters?  2 house and gardens occ by RICHARD BROOKES and THOMAS FARTY Carthouses  –  4 houses and gardens   occ by FRANCIS JOHNSON, SAMUEL HARRIS, WILLIAM CUND, and JEREMY WALFORD1840 MR BRAZIER   Left in to him in Caldecot Will)1840 H F VERNON (Brasier’s  cottages  –  POUTREY,HILL,BROOKS)1842 Mr Wm  JONES (Carthouse Cottages)  pd 3sh 91/2d pd to parish a Church Rates1845 JAMES HAYWOOD tenant – to use of THOMAS SOUTHALL1841 THOMAS FORTY     Census1841 RICHARD BROOKES    Census1841 BENJAMIN CLERKE     Census1841 SAMUEL HARRIS       Census1841 FRANCIS JOHNSON   Census1861 No 2 THOMAS HILL    Census1861 No3 ISIAH BUNCE      Census1861 No4 JOHN JOHNSON  Census1861 No5 THOMAS FORTY    Census1861 No6 THOMAS BROOKES  Census1871 WILLIAM SPRAGG   Census1871 THOMAS BARKER   Census1871 JAMES MEDLICOTT  Census1871 JOHN POULTNEY   Census1871 RICHARD BARKER  Census1871 THOMAS BUNCE   Census1881 WILLIAM SPRAGG   Lab Census1881 SAMUEL ALLEN      Lab Census1881 THOMAS BARKER  LabCensus1881 RICHARD BROOKES  Lab  Census1881 THOMAS BUNCE   Census1891 ALFRED SPRAGG  Census1891 THOMAS BUNCE wife Mary  Census1891 THOMAS BARKER  Census1891 THOMAS BUNCE   Census1891 JOHN POULTNEY  Census1891 THOMAS BUNCE wife Maria Census1901 JOHN POULTNEY   Census1901 THOMAS BUNCE    Census 1901 WILLIAM BARKER   Census1901 THOMAS BARKER   Census 1901Mrs ELIZABETH WAINWRIGHT  Census1901 Mr THOMAS BUNCE  Census1911 No. 4 Mr THOMAS POULTNEY  Census1911 No.3 Miss FANNY BARKER    Census1911 No2 Mr SAMUEL TAYLOR   Census1911 Mr EDWIN TAYLOR   Census1911 Mr JOHN POULTNEY   Census1911 Mr TOMAS C BUNCE   Census
CHARNWOOD  Noutards GreenValue
CHESHERS  –  CHERSE  –  CHESSERS  –  (CHAILEYS END)1548J OHN WAYNERWRIGHT  (Cherse)  rental 5s 6d  BA 7335/201550  “                  “                   (Chessers)1607 RICHARD STONE  Copyhold Rental BA 7335/20  11 1615 WILLIAM FFYOLD1616 WILLIAM FIELD  (Chessers)1650 dittto Rent for copihold 5s  4d BA 7335/201658 ditto( Cheshers)1659 MARY FIELD admitted -to use of RICHARD STONE Court Roll 
1824 Jan23rd CHARLOTTE d of WILLIAM&MARY BARKER bap lab
1827 JOHN COOK  Land Tax
1831 Oct23rd WILLIAM s of WILLIAM & MARY BARKER bap lab
1834 Apr 6th THOMAS s of WILLIAM&MARY BARKER bap lab
1837 Dec 10th HELEN d of WILLIAM&MARY BARKER bap lab
1881 JOHN FARMER  Lodger -Farm bailiff  Census
1901 SAMUEL OAKEY  Census
CHORCHE CROFT1548 RICHARD STONE rental 9d  .Taken from the Lord  BA7335/20 part31
1733 RANDOLPH SEVERN –farm lands house not mentioned  – Dougharty Map1784 ROBERT BRASIER  admitted tenant1804 JAMES BRASIER   (Marquis of Exeter Deed) BA 7335 ref 107/ivPassed to James Brasier on 21 years lease with 3 cottages The Orchard,The Moors. Barn Fold Yard ajoining Moors,Two Gates -7acres,Rush Leasow, Cow Pasture, Long Meadow, Rough of Alders, Barn Meadow 2 acres, Baylis Meadow 2acres, meadows below Lenchford late in occ of Mr Seaverne 10acres, Hither Curradine 10 acres, Church Field with thatched barn and yard 10acres,Park Hills 7acres,The Bank 6acres, Hopyard 2acres lately added arable land called Bank, Brewers Field arable 7acres, Curradine Close 3acres ,Gt Curradine Close 11acresMiddle Curradine Close 5acres, Sixteen Ridges 5acres arable, 7 acres and 6acres arable1815 JAMES BRASIER1834 JAMES BRASIER1839 THOMAS BOWATER VERNON   Tithe1841 ROBERT BRASIER     Farmer  Census1844 ROBERT BRASIER     Land as occ. Elect Reg 1848 GEORGE VERNON    Elect Reg  1864 ROBERT BRASIER    letter of Admin 1864 farmer bach dec  died 28th April 1864 at Shrawley .Personal estate and effects granted to JAMES BRASIER brother and farmer1871 JAMES BRASIER  bach farmer 37 yrs 200 acres1873 JAMES BRAZIER  farmer  Littlebury Directory1904 ARTHUR DANIEL NEAMS  (K..D)
3 acres  
most likely NICHOLLs
1445 JOHN NICHOLLS died held of Lord a messuage with croft adjacent ,a parcel of land called CLERKES alias NICHOLLS perservice military  1 heriot due to Lord cow priced 6s 8d
(Court Record)
1598 JOHN CLERK  alias Gylberte – passed to RICHARD STONE – 28th year of Elizabeth 1st Clerkes Fold . Found between land of Robert Cook and Highway leading from Parsonage to Worcester on West 

BA 7335/18 iii     705:7
This indenture made the 17th day of April in the eighth and twentieth year of the reigne of our soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the yeare of God Queen of England , France and Ireland  defender of the faythe between JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS of Shrawley in the County of Worcester wean? of the one party and RICHARD STONE of the same parish and county hiusbandman of the other part Witnesseth that the sayd JOHN for and in consideration of the somme of ffower pounds ffower shillings of lawful money of England to him before said payd by the sayd RICHARD whereof . And  whereof the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS acknowledgeth himself fully satisfied and thereof and of any parcel thereof thereby acquitteth and dischargeth the said RICHARD STONE  his executors administrators and assigns and any of them hath demised and granted and to form lett  And by this present doth demise grante and to form lett unto the said RICHARD STONE all that one leasow pasture called or known by the name of CLERKES FEYLD containing by estymacion three acres or thereabouts sett and lyinge beinge in Shrawley aforesaid in the sayd county of Worcester betweene the land then of one ROBERT COOK on the  first parte and the Common Highway leading from the parsonage of Shrawley aforesaid towards the city of Worcester and now in the tenure and occupation of the sayd RICHARD STONE except and always returned to the said JOHN and his heirs and assigns  all and all manner of fruits of trees growing upon the premises with free rights over regres in and upon sayd leasow , pasture or arable field to and for sayd term his heirs and assigns for the gatheringe and fetching away of the same to have and to hold all the sayd leasow pasture or arable field with the pasture called  CLERKES FIELD his executors and assigns from the day of the Feast of the purification of our blessed lady the virgin Mary last past before one yere from?? From next and immediately followinge and from henceforth fully to be completed and ended yielding and payinge therefore yearly during the sayd terme to the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS his heirs and assigns one barley round at the feast of Saint Michael    of Angell only for all man? Of rent service exaccons and demands whatsoever   And the sayd JOHN CLERKE  alias GYLBERTS for him his heirs executors administrators and assigns and duly any of them doth covenant.​
COBBLERS LANE – COBBLERS HOUSE – COBBLERS (CALDICOTS?) 1611 THOMAS COOKE   (Cobblers)  Inventory of his goods and chattels. Died 19TH Oct 1611 bur. Shrawley1613 JOHN COOKE1613 May 1st RICHARD s. of JOHN COOKE bap1645 JOHN COOKE  died1693 WILLIAM COOKE    (Cobblers Land)1706 THOMAS STONE    (Cobblers Lane )1743 RICHARD  STONE  (Cobblers House)passed to d’s ELIZABETH ,ANN and MARY (together with Ropers)1747 JOHN GREEN and ANN  (d of RICHARD STONE)  to heirs of  WILLIAM CARTER1750 WILLIAM CARTER  and  ELIZABETH (d of RICHARD STONE? ) passed to ROBERT WORMINGTON and ROBERT FITZER1756 ELIZABETH CARTER – passed to MARY SEAVERNE,  spinster1758 MARY SEAVERNE – passed to JOHN SOUTHALL of Little Witley1760 JOHN SOUTHALL   registered his claim1792 Passed to son of John Southall’s son WILLIAM SOUTHALL  JOHN HOUSEMAN Customary Tenant  Indenture  BA 5589 Ref  705:1921812 WILLIAM SOUTHALL1816 WILLIAM SOUTHALL deceased surrendered to THOMAS CRANE by ANN TURNER wife of WILLIAM SOUTHALL to pay his debts of £200 BA 5589 Ref 705: 1921827 TT VERNON  Occ JOHN HODGES  Land Tax1840 H.F.VERNON1874 GEORGE HODGKINSON   H/L   Elect reg 1881 GEORGE HODGKINSON farmer 17 1/2  acres   [Coblers Farm]1901 THOMAS HODKINSON CensusFREDERICK FORD – farmer ( Colcicotts—K.D.)
COCKBOOT  –  MIDDLE CROFT  –  LOWER CROFT Land opposite The Old Rectory, part of Goodyears1797J OHN NASH   died passed to SLADE NASH
COCKS HEYEA close- rent 4d passed to RICHARD STONE by The Lord BA  7335/20
COCSHETE 1389 JOHN ATTE STONE rented from the Lord BA 91/92
COOK’S HOUSE  –  COOKES HOUSE  –  COOKE HOUSE1607 THOMAS COOKE  Rental   BA7335   20ii  705:7 Demesne land
1625 AGNES COOK held a mess and ½ a virgate of land called Cookes  8s per annum  and a cottage called HAUSTGROUND 6s 42/d  2 heriots due and 1 red cow worth 6s (Court  Doc)THOMAS COOKE  Rent for freehold of house and other land 20s 11 1/2d BA 7335/201700 JOSEPH YATES  BA 5589   705:192  Parcel 80(iii)Capital messuage or Tenement called Cookes House and also two upper fields containing approx.20 acres ,The Catherne or Catherine Field containing approx. 10 acres, The Moore Field containing approx 8acres ,The Ley before the House and the ground about the House containing together approx 8 acres ,the Meadow lying by the Brookside ,the Hill and Hopyard containing approx 4 acres1766J OHN TAYLORCookes House late in occupation of John Taylor at yearly rent of thirty pounds (Lately occupied by widow Yates yearly rent twenty six pounds) BA 5589 ref 705:192 parcel 80 iii1767 August Sale of Estate between THOMAS FOLEY of Stoke Edith ,Herefordshire GRYFFYD PRICE of Lincolns Inn Middlesex and ROBERT CLIFFE of Stipend House in parish of Mathon ,Worc of one part and THOMAS GALE of Gt Witley in Worcs of the other part.
1800 THOMAS SQUIRE  (Cookshouse)1839    JAMES SQUIRE1840 THOMAS PICKERNELL or  JOHN HUGHES  owner ***** check this out  occ. EDWARD PRICE and Wm. WILLIAMS Tithe
19012 COTTAGES- one uninhabitedOne inhabited by HENRY MOWBRA
COOKSMYN  (Cook’s Green?)
COURT FARM-COURT MEADOWS – THE COURT – COURT POOL – COURT HILLS​1389 Bailiffs account 8s paid for herbage around the Court  BA 91/92
1548 THOMAS SEVERNE   (Lordys mound and Court Hills) BA 7335/20
1607 THOMAS AYNSWORTH(The Court and Court Meadows) Rental  BA7335  20ii  705:7 Demesne land
1607 MR CHILDE   (Court Hills and Court Pool)  Rental 7335  20ii 705:7 Demesne land
1831 WILLIAM BOURNE s of  ROBERT and SARAH of Shrawley Court Gent.died June 13thaged 71yrs (Tablet on North Wall of Nave)Includes wife MARY died 83yrs in 1847 Daughters-MARY died 1816-25yrs,son ROBERT died 1845 44 yrs and daughter JANE died 1856 -63yrs She was a benefactor of poor and gave £500 to a Trust Fund which still exists today.
1834 Dec23rdADELAIDE d of JOHN&SARAH BUCKNALL  bap Farmer
1839 MARY BOURNE owner occ by ROBERT BRAZIER   (The Court)  Tithe no.. 29
SALE OF SHRAWLEY COURT ESTATE 1877705:192 BA 5589 Parcel (81 (iii)2nd May 1877Agreement for Sale of Shrawley Court Estate to Harry Foley (of Hanbury) Vernon from Rev. Robert Burr Bourne (of Coombe House, Reading, Berks.).(In occupation of Robert Brasier (tenant)).Estate sold for £3,000.00. including timber. Sale to be completed on 24th June 1877.No.onTithe Map.          Description                    Culture                               Quantity  A     R     P29  Shrawley Court House     Buildings, yards, gardens etc.  1   3      -26  Five Acres                       Arable                                     2    3     3630  CherryOrchard             Pasture     1    –      20 31  BrickfieldHopyard        Arable     5     –     2933  TheFourAcres                Arable 3     1    3535  TheEightAcres              Arable    7     0    3737   TheSixAcres    Arable                           4     2      932  Barley Green    Arable 4     0      8  480  Lower Ridding (including bed or soil of River Severn adjoining same   Meadow 7     1     19                                                                                                   Total:                             37     2    3324th July 1877   SHRAWLEY COURT ESTATEDeclaration by Rev. Robert Burr Bourne that he was 79 years of age and was “well acquainted” with Shrawley Court Estate. He remembered it in the lifetime of his uncle, William Bourne or Shrawley, who died in 1833.   After his death all rents and profits were received by his widow, Mary Bourne.   She died in 1848, and the rents were then received by her daughter, Jane Bourne, who died on 2nd August 1856, a spinster.   Her brother, Robert Bourne, had died a bachelor in May 1845.   After the death of Jane Bourne rents had been received by Rev. R.B. Bourne up until present time.
    INDENTURE dated 28th July 1877 states:-“Together with all and singular Houses, Outhouses, Edifices, Buildings, Yards, Gardens, Stables, Barns, Orchards, Timber and other Trees, Roads, Ways, Paths, Passages, Hedges, Ditches, Fences, Waters, Watercourses and Lands covered with water, Fishings and Right of Fishery, liberties, profits, advantages, rights, members and appurtenances to the said Messuages or Tenements pieces or parcels of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted and conveyed or intended so to be or any part or parts thereof belonging or appertaining or now or at any time heretofore forming or known as part or parcel thereof or occupied therewith.”1881 Called BANK FARM RICHARD GREEN Waggoner Census1916 CHARLES & SARAH LUCAS farmer1935 LUCAS family sold  Court Farm
COURTLANDS  2000   Sankyns Green
CROWN COTTAGES –CROUND COTTAGE  1813 JOHN SOUTHALL1814 JOHN SOUTHALL1839 THOMAS BOWATER VERNON4 houses and gardens occ  Wm  JONES, Wm RABY, MARGARET ANDREWS, JOHN DUGGINS1841 MR JONES  paid 9sh Poor Rate  and Census1881 ANN PERKINS    Census   [ Old Crown ]1881 THOMAS COUND  Census  [Old Crown ]1881 JOHN POULTNEY   Census  [Old Crown ]1881 ISAAC ANDREWS   Census  [Old Crown ]1911 Mr HALL   Census1911 Mrs TAYLOR  Census1911 Mr BURROWS  Census1911 Mr CUFF           Census
THE CROWN   CROWN BRIDGE1800 JOHN SOUTHALL1817 Oct 26th JOSEPH s.of JOHN & MARY DUGGAN bap1824 Jul 7th ISAAC s of SAMUEL & MARGARET ANDREWS bap1824 Nov 21st CHARLOTTE d of GEORGE & JANE BAKER bap waterman1842 Demolished by JOHN COOKE House late of  SAMUEL POWICK
  – (
Field)With 8  Butts –Arable Land
1710 JOHN BREWER  (Conygree Rough)
CURRIERS- CURRIERS FARM1800 EDWARD SMITH1844 JOHN HUGHES   Freehold H/L John Hughes living in Worcester Elect Reg 1881 SAMUEL POWICK  gamekeeper Census  1901 GEORGE BLUNT   Census
New Inn Lane
​(Field belonging to Carters)
1478/79 JOHANA HERBAGE held messuage and land called DEYHULL heriot 1 black cow 5s   (Court Records)1589 RICHARD WARROLD – (wife ELEANOR)  –  passed to JOHN CLARKE   31st yearof Elizabeth 1st  16011601 Left in Will to ANNE CLARK alias GILBERT wife of JOHN CLARK alias GILBERT1625 PHILLIP HAY  – (1st year of Charles )1648 FOULKE BOURNE  died? SEVERN  alias SENKYN  passed to JOHN CLARKE  alias GILBERT, husband man, for £451650 JOHN CLARKE Rent for freehold 6s  4d  BA 7335/201839 THOMAS BOWATER VERNON (T)
THE DINGLE  –  STONEY DINGLE1607 BRYAN SEAVERNE Copyhold Rental  BA 7335/20 111680 JOHN SEAVERNE (the Dingle)1684 BRYAN SEAVERNE   (Stoney Dingle)1693 BRYAN SEAVERNE(The Dingley)1694 JOHN HOPKINS(Stoney Dingle also BEATONS)1743J OHN BAKER  – passed to son, SAMUEL BAKER1808 Jn REDDING paid 6sh rent to J.PHILLIPS  (C)1812 JOHN REDDING1839 LORD WARD  Tithe
DODOAK   1and 2 Sankyns Green1607 MR CLIFFE  Freehold  Rental1800 WILLIAM CLIFFE occ MR DIPPLE1808 Wm CLIFFE Esq. – paid 8sh rent to JOHN PHILLIPS  (F) 1 herriot1815 Mar 15th MARY ANN d. of JOHN&ANN HODGES bap (farmer)1816 WILLIAM CLIFFE see Pharleys End `occ MR JAMES DIPPLE1816 Sep 26th HARRIET d.of JOHN&ANN HODGES bap1818 JAMES DIPPLE1824 Aug 31st ANN KNOTT d of BENJAMIN & MARY ANN WOOD bap  Plate Manufacturer B’ham1827 WILLIAM CLIFFE  occ THOMAS FOLEY  Land Tax1839 Jan23rd THOMAS FRANCIS s of THOMAS & MARY CATHERINE BEST bap  Esquire1839 THOMAS BEST    own./occ.     Tithe no.2091844 THOMAS BEST Freehold  H/L  Elect Reg1850 MRS BEST  Kellys Drectory1873 SAMUEL CAUSER CRANE  farmer  Littlebury Directory1892 WILLIAM POWICK  Kellys directory1901 CHARLES BARTLETT   Cashier on estate  Census1901 JAMES DAW   Census1901 GEORGE SMITH  Census1904 HENRY CHARLES BARTLETT  (K.D.)
DOLYAM  MEADOW (field)1548 WALTER PARDOE Rental 7335/20 (8)
DORLINGS – DARLINGS – JENKHARRIS  (see under Jenkharris)
DOLEMULL1389 Bailiffs account  a water mill and a fulling mill at the same place which have been totally destroyed.    No payment except for herbage 14d  BA 91/9213891 4d paid for pasture of the courtyard of Dolemull
DOWLS GROUND  – DOLGROUNDE1548 RICHARD WEKYNG   Rental 7335 /20 (8)1650 RICHARD WICKEN  rent for freehold 3s  10d  BA 7335/20
DUNELM  Severn Bank Farm
EASTGROVE  with HEADS MILL Esgroves?1584 WALTER BLUNT ESQ. Asgares?   BA 7335/20   91803 BRIDGET SEVERN  died Eastgrove Estate left to FRANCIS SEVERNE of Abberley1806 FRANCIS SEVERNE1808T .PICKERNELL   paid 1d rent for Eastgroves to J.PHILLIPS  (F)1812 THOMAS PICKERNEL   late Mrs SEVERN  Rental (F)1815 WILLIAM SMITH1820 Jun18th ELIZABETH d.of THOMAS & ELIZABETH PICKERNELL bap1824 Jan 19th MARY SEBRIGHT d of THOMAS& ELIZABETH PICKERNELL bap  Gent1827 Oct 27th LOUISE d of THOMAS&ELIZABETH PICKERNELL  bap  Gentleman farmer1833 THOMAS PICKERNELL1834 THOMAS PICKERNELL1839 THOMAS PICKERNELL  own/occ  (T)1840 LORD WARD  occ. by ? Watson1841 THOMAS PICKERNELLFarmerCensus1844 THOMAS PICKERNELL   Freehold house  Elect Reg 1847 THOMAS WATSON  Land as occ   Elect Reg 1865 June 22nd THOMAS WATSON died aged 47yrs at Eastgrove MI Shrawley 1873 GEORGE LAIGHT  farmer   [East Grove Farm]1892 GEORGE ALFRED WRIGHT  Kellys Directory1896 WILLIAM MEEK   Kelly’s.Directory1901 E DWARD JONES  farm bailiff  Census1904 EDWARD JONES, farm bailiff to M. Southall
EASTGROVE COTTAGE 1 & 21825 Sep 2nd ANN d of RICHARD & ELIZABETH PRICE bap  lab1825 Sep 2nd ELIZABETH d of RICHARD & ELIZABETH PRICE bap  lab1841 THOMAS UNDERWOOD  Ag Lab   Census1881 HENRY ROWLEY   bricklayer  Census    cottage 11881 EDWIN BULLOCK   lab   Census      cottage 21901 EDWARD BULLOCK  woodman  Census1901 EDWARD BULLOCK  jun.  Census
ESGERS  (Eastgrove?)1638 RICHARD YARRANT (13th year of Charles 1st)1693 JOHN SEAVERNE
FARLEY1541 Nov 14th MARGERY daughter of ROBERT SEVERN bap
FARLEYS  – FAWLEYS  –  FAIRLEY’S FIELD  –  FARLEY’S END  –  PHARLEY’S END(Close   or Hemp  Pleck  adjoining ,called  Nicholetts)​1542 Sep 9th RICHARD son of JOHN STONE bap Preg.1544 JOHN STONE  bur Shrawley1545 Jan 1st THOMAS son of JOHN STONE bap PReg1546 Aug 5th JOHN son of JOHN STONE bap PReg1548 May 27th ANN daugh JOHN STONE bap PReg1548 JOHN ASTON    BA 7335/20
1550March 25th JANE d. of JOHN STONE bap Preg
1607 JOHNSTONERentalBA 7335/20  111612 JOHN STONE1614 May 15th JOAN d.of JOHN STONE bap PReg1616 Mar. 25th ALICE d.of JOHN STONE bap PReg1617 JOHN STONE  (for  Fawleys)1638 WILLIAM CLIFFE  (13th year of Charles 1st)1650 JOHNSTONE   Rent for copihold  12s 6d
1662 JOHNSTONE (Hearth Tax) for 1)1684 BRYAN SEAVERNE  (Farleys End)1685 RICHARD STONE
1710 THOMAS BAKER tenant Court Roll 1710 WILLIAM RANDLE   (Farleys End) 
1743 JOHN BAKER  passed to SAMUEL BAKER1744 THOMAS TOLLEY  – passed to his wife SUSANNAH and ELIZABETH  his daughter
1746 JOHN BAKER  –  passed to his son GEORGE BAKER  of Bewdley – (Pharley’s End and Close or Hemp Pleck adjoining Nicholetts)1800 WILLIAM CLIFFE
1808 WILLIAM CLIFFE paid 9sh 6d rent to J.PHILLIPS1808 JOHN REDDING
1816 WILLIAM CLIFFE of Dodaok, “eldest son and heir of the body of Robert Cliffe Esq. by Elizabeth Tolley” surrendered Pharleys End (12 Acres ), The Meadow,The Slade, and The Knowle to WILLIAM READ KING, of Searjents Inn ,Fleet Street, London1816 JOHN REDDING1839 THOMAS BEST Tithe1840 LORD WARD  Trustees – Tenant-M.Barrow
​New Inn Lane
FINGERPOST COTTAGE Rectory Lane below Upper Fudges
​Goodyears Farm
THE FORGE converted circa 1985 next to Baylis Cottage former Blacksmiths
1824 29th May MARY ANN d of JOHN & ELIZABETH HODGES bap huckster
1824 12th Jun JOHN s of JOHN & SARAH  WILLETTS bap lab
1825 Aug 11th JOEL s of JOHN&ELIZABETH HODGES bap of shop Shrawley Frog Pool  huckster P Reg
1827 Nov 3rd SAMUEL s of WILLIAM & SARAH CUND bap lab P Reg
1829 Apr 12th WILLIAM s of WILLIAM&SARAH CUND bap lab PReg
1841 THOMAS WESBAND? Basket maker Census
1873 BALLARD Eliza    Littlebury Directory
1881 CHARLES STALLARD   baker/grocer   Census
1901 THOMAS STALLARD   baker  Census
FFYSSHE1389 JOHN FREWYN Bailiffs account let for 14d  BA 91/92
THE GILBERTS -Oakwoodbuilt 2008 next to “The Gilberts” but now called Oakwood Cottage
GLAZENBRIDGE COTTAGE​- over Dick Brook (in Astley)Value
GLAZEN COMMON FIELDS1733J OHN MOORE – had pt in Glazen Common Fields – tillage-Dougharty map
GLEBE 1800 Rev MR WARTON-The Tythe1800-1818 Rev WILLIAM COX
GOODYEARS FARM JOHN HOUSEMAN1800MRS BURROWS  (Gooders)? MR RICHARD PARDOE1816 May 12th JOHN HENRY s. of JOHN&ANN HOUSEMAN ba1839 THOMAS HOUSEMAN1844 THOMAS HOUSEMAN Freehold H/L  Elect Reg 1848 EDWARD VERNON purchased as was next to Bonefields 1849 Estate Map nos.-272, 273, 276, 277, 278, 373, 375 Sale1873 SAMUEL BISHOP farmer Littlebury Directory [Goodyers]1881 SAMUEL BISHOP  farmer 110 acres Census1900 THOMAS BISHOP  in June made a Trustee of Vernon Bourne Charity1904 THOMAS BISHOP  farmer  
field see also under MILLEN GROUND
1784 EDWARD PENRICE of Droitwich  Court Baron  BA 5589  705:192Had belonged to Rev W Vernon now dec. Bailiff of Manor took possession on behalf of Lord and Lady Cecil-  EMMA CECIL admitted tenant
GRAY HAYES  –  GREY HAYES  –  GRAY HAY 1548 THOMAS HERBADGE  parcel of land 12s   BA 7335/201584 Wm. HARBADGE  paid 6d rent for Grey Hey  BA 7335/20   91607 JOHN ANTONIES  Rental  BA 7335/20  111615 WYDDOW HERBADGE  (Grey Hey)1616WYDDOW HERBADGE
1625 ROBERT HARBADGE   Will- a weaver and vittayler.1630 ANNE HARBADGE died seized of customary tenancy WALTER HERBADGE son of ROBERT HERBADGE admitted tenant –Walter Herbadge let it to JACOB TURNER  1650 WILLIAM HERBADGERent for copyhold  12d BA 7335/20
1662WALTER HERBADGE  (Hearth Tax for 1 )1684 JOHN and ELEANOR FITZER
1703 THOMAS FITZER alias ANTHONIES  (Grey Hay)1746 ANANIAS ANTHONIES – passed to his wife MARY1746 THOMAS CASTLE1784 THOMAS CASTLE died
1785 MARGARET CASTLE received G.H. for life from her husband,then to son RICHARD CASTLE  –  lands ,barn buildings,garden,Hemp Pleck  and orchard Occupants JOHN TAILOR and THOMAS CASTLE
1793 MARGARET CASTLE  Pd 1s rent  BA 7335/107 (iv)1801 MARGARET CASTLE died – passed to RICHARD CASTLE,son
1808 RICHARD CASTLE  paid 1sh rent to J.Phillips   F and C1813 RICHARD CASTLE  – surrendered  to JOHN CASTLE1818 JOHN CASTLE1827 THOMAS CASTLE  Occ  SAMUEL CUND  Land Tax 1839 SAMUEL COUND and JOHN HAMMOND occupiers   Owner – ANN KIRBY    (T)1840 CASTLE  in occ of SAMUEL ALLAN  (copyhold) and THOMAS ATKIN1841 JOHN ANNAM Census1841 BENJAMIN CORBET        Census1881 THOMAS COMPTON    lab  cottage 1   Census1881 RICHARD COMPTON  lab  cottage 2    Census1901 ALFRED SPRAGG     Census1901 JANE JONES     Census
Estate map nos. 85, 228, 229, 230, 231, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243
1548 JOHN MARTON  (Martons)  16s 83/4d rental   BA7335/201548 JOHN MARTIN alias SEAVERNE  (Martinsland)1607 JOHN HOPKINS for Martens Land  Rental BA 7335/20  111650 JOHN WEAVER  rent for copihold 11s  8d1700 WILLIAM RANDLE1743 THOMAS TOLLEY1763 ANN TOLLEY  (widow)1768 JOHN WINNALL  (Martins)1790 JOHN WINNALL died – passed to niece, MARY WINNALL,who m. WILLIAM BOURNE, tenant  (occ. by JAMES DIPPLE)1808 WILLIAM BOURNE paid 11sh 9d rent to J Phillips for The Green1812 WILLIAM WALKER1818 JAMES DIPPLE1827TT VERNON Prop  occ. THOMAS MARKS  Land Tax1829 WILLIAM BOURNEMARY BOURNE passed to d. JANE BOURNE of Ombersley1839MARY BOURNE  occ. JOHN WINNALL     Tithe no.2411840MISS J.BOURNE  tenant   (Martins)1873WILLIAM MARTIN   farmer  Littlebury’s Directory  [Green Farm]1881 WILLIAM MARTIN Farmer 40 acres Census1892 RICHARD MILLINGTON Kelly’s Directory1896 RICHARD MILLINGTON Kelly’s.Directory Farmer 1904 RICHARD MILLINGTON  farmer (The Green)  (K.D.)1839 MARY BOURNE  occ. JOHN WINNALL     Tithe no.2411840 MISS J.BOURNE  tenant   (Martins)1873 WILLIAM MARTIN   farmer  Littlebury’s Directory  [Green Farm]1881 WILLIAM MARTIN Farmer 40 acres Census1892 RICHARD MILLINGTON Kelly’s Directory1896 RICHARD MILLINGTON Kelly’s.Directory Farmer 1904 RICHARD MILLINGTON  farmer (The Green)  (K.D.)​
GROOMS COTTAGE next to Old RectoryValue
​1 and 2
1881 WILLIAM TOMPKINS    Census1881 THOMAS ALLEN    lab   Census  [ Hampton Cottage ]190 1Uninhabited      Census
PART HAMPTON near New Inn ​1844 JOHN FOOTMAN    Freehold H/L part of Hamptons Farm    Elect Reg1844 THOMAS JONES           “                   “              “ 1881 CHARLES PRICE    Lodger  gardener    Census1881 ROBERT FOOTMAN   Boot maker       Census1881J OHN FOOTMAN      Boot maker      Census​​
HAMPTONS1800 MARTHA BEACH1844 RICHARD JONES   Freehold H/L ( part of Hamptons)  Elect Reg
HAYS FARM , THE AYES1800 JOHN HOUSEMANlate  SAMUEL BROOKES (F)1808Jn HOUSEMAN   F Rent to J. Phillips  2sh 3d    Part of Hayes rented to Jn Southall  1sh 11/2d 1812 JOHN HOUSEMAN    part-late Samuel Brooks1812 JOHN SOUTHALL   part –late George Cooper1839 THOMAS BOWATER VERNON   T1840      occ. by  Job Taylor, William Spragg1844 JOHN HENRY HOUSEMAN    Freehold H/L   Elect Reg 1874 JOB TAYLOR     H/L  Elect Reg 1881 JOB TAYLOR  ag lab   Census1901​
HAZELHURST – HAZEL HOUSE  — HASELLWOOD -HASELL HOUSE   –  HAZLEHOUSE1520 JOHN ASTONE de Hurtylhouse  Lay Subsidy Rolls pd 12d Goods valued @40s  Tax 12d Ref L 142.44 page 88  1548-1553  JOHN SEVARNE died Mr Sheldon granted tenancy to his wife who wasn’t in a position to pay          BA   7335/20 part 31 1607 BRYAN SEAVERNE  Copyhold  Rental BA 7335/20  111619 JOHN STONE-d. 1630    (Hurtlehouse)1615 THOMAS MARTIN1615 RICHARD SEVERNE   (Hazelhouse)1616 RICHARD SEVERNE1619 JOAN STONE-wife of JOHN STONE died 1630 of ye Hurtlehouse1630 RICHARD SEAVERNE died EDWARD SEAVERNE admitted tenant Court Roll 1630 MARIA SEAVERNE died seized of customary tenancy Hazlehouse 1630 BRYAN SEAVERNE son admitted tenant.(Hasellwood)  Rent for copihold 11s  8d1662      “              “      (Hearth Tax for 1)1693 BRYAN SEVERNE   (Hazelhouse)1694 JOHN PHILPOTTS   (Hasellhouse)1726THOMAS BAKER1743 JOHN BAKER  –  passed to his son GEORGE
​1797 JOHN BAKER  and ANNE his wife  –  passed to SAMUEL BAKER of Bewdley (Hazel House and Beatons alias Stoney Dingles)
1808 Jno REDDING     C  Rent to J.Phillips 11sh 8d1812 JOHN REDDING1827LORD FOLEY  Prop   Thomas Pickernell   occ. Land Tax1834OHN REDDING1839 THOMAS PICKERNELLowner/occ. TLORD WARD ,trustee.  M Barrow, tenant CHARLES ROADS?Ag labCensus1847 THOMAS BURROWS     Land as Occ     Elect Reg     1849 Jan 19th  MARY ANN d of THOMAS &SARAH BURROW bap  Farmer1850     Oct 16th  SARAH JANE d of THOMAS & SARAH BURROW bap Farmer1856  Mar 28th THOMAS ARTHUR s of THOMAS&SARAH BURROW bap  Farmer1873 SAMUEL CAUSER CRANE  farmer  Littlebury Directory1881 SAMUEL C. CRANE  farmer 150 acres emp I man 1 boy   Census1901 MARY A CRANE   farmer1904 EDWARD CRANE   farmer  (Kelly’s.Directory)
HAZELHURST COTTAGE Sankyns Green  lane towards Eastgrove farm
HEADS  MILL  –  YEADS MYLL  –  HEADSTONE     -HEDDSMULL -(near EASTGROVE1389 Bailiffs account leased for 12s 1d  a water mill    BA  91/92               1548 JOHN ASTON   (Yeads Myll and Gilbarts) BA 7335/201550 JOHN ASTON1607 JOHN SEAVERNE  Copyhold  Rental  BA 7335/20  111620 THOMAS STONE died  (The Mill)1620 THOMAS STONE  (Heade Myll and Gylberts)  rent for both 17s  7d   BA 7335/201662      THOMAS STONE   (Hearth tax  for 2 )1690      JOHN SEAVERNE   (Heads Mill)1700JOANNA SEAVERNE,  widow of John Seaverne1726 JOANNA SEAVERNE1750 ELIZABETH SEAVERNE,  widow, died – passed to her son Rev. FRANCIS SEAVERNE1755 FRANCIS SEAVENRE died – passed to BRIDGETT SEAVERNE1803THOMAS ,  LORD FOLEY, grandson  and heir of Thos. Foley Esq.,afterwards Lord Foley (died 1778)  (Heads Watercorn Mill)1808 LORD FOLEY  paid 10sh rent to J.Phillips    C1815 WILLIAM SMITH1834 WILLIAM SMITH1839  occ. WILLIAM ROWLEY  owner LORD WARD   T1841 LORD WARD   trustee—tenant ? White
HELENS COTTAGENew Inn Lane new house built in place of Prospect cottage Tithe 419 circa 2000
HEMPBUTTEMBUTTS 1,2&31744 JOHN BAKER  – passed to his son SAMUEL BAKER1792 MISS WINFORD2792 WILLIAM BEACH  paid 12sh 3d rent1793 MISS WINFORD  (C)c1800 REV COOKES1808  Jn REDDING paid 5sh 4d rent to Jn Phillips  CMRS FREEMAN  paid rent to J. Phillips1812  JOHN REDDING1840 LORD WARD   trustee   M. Barrow tenant1840 RICHARD JONES  part of Hempbutts-occ. R Jones1881 JOSEPH  ROWBERRY  Ag lab   Census1881 THOMAS BROWN Gen lab  Census
HERBACHE1548 JOHN BARTELAM meese rental 5s 3d   BA 7335/20
HIGH FLEET BARN Severn Bank Farm
Rectory Lane opposite Old Rectory
HILL TOP OR MYLLENS,MILLEN GROUND, MILLEND THE HILL 1548 ROBERT BREWER Mele meese and halfe yarde land rent 7  BA7335/201584 THOMAS JONES paid 11sh for Nicolete and Mylliend  BA 7335/20   91607 ROBERT BREWER  Copyhold RentalBA 7335/20 111616 ROBERT BRUAR  – (The Hill)1616 BRUARS -Nov 18th Christopher Davies son of a wandering body PReg1616 JOHN WEAVER  (Millend Land)1617 JOHN WEAVER(Millers Land)1634 BRUARS  -April 16th John son of William Johnson born at Bruars on the Hill  PReg1638 WILLIAM JONES  and RICHARD NICHOLLS  13th year of  Charles 1st1650 ROBERT BREWER(Myllend) rent for copihold 7s   BA7335/201672 ROBERT BREWER(The Hill Topp)1686 WALTER COOKE(Millen Ground)1708 THOMAS VERNON  -THOMAS BREWER surrendered by hands of  WALTER COOKE  and  RANDOLPH SEVERNE  4 acres copyhold and.Million and house and barn to THOMAS  VERNON  Court Roll 1710 J OHN BREWER(Millen ground)1713 THOMAS BREWER  in arrears of rent surrendered estate called Million and Horse leasow to T. Vernon)1722 THOMAS & ANN LEWIS and WILLIAM  RANDLE surrendered to T.Vernon Court Roll1722 EDRIC SEVEARNE1740 WILLIAM VERNON1740 ROBERT FITZER alias ANTHONYS surrendered to L.of  M.,then to Robert Wormington  13th year of George 111742 JOHN WORMINGTON1759 WILLIAM VERNON  , a tenant, surrendered to THOMAS FITZER and ROBERT WORMINGTON1782 WILLIAM WORTHINGTONWILLIAM VERNON died1784E DWARD PENRICE of Droitwich took over Millen ground etc. from WILLIAM VERNONref Court Baron WORMINGTON,son of  Wm. Wormington’s nephew, Robert (Hill Top or Millen Ground)MILLEN GROUND messuage –  MYLLEND  –  MILLEND  –  ALSO HILL TOP  –  MYLLENS – MELEN  (Possibly Open Field) Copyhold land1794 ROBERT BOURNE and WILLIAM LERIGO surendered to ROBERT WORMINGTON,son of  Wm. Wormington’s nephew, Robert (Hill Top or Millen Ground)MILLEN GROUND messuage –  MYLLEND  –  MILLEND  –  ALSO HILL TOP  –  MYLLENS – MELEN  (Possibly Open Field) Copyhold land1795E DWARD PENRICE surrendered to MARY TAYLOR, widow, in the Parish of Martley ( Millen Ground etc)1800 MR POWICKROBERT WORMINGTON and his wife, MARY surrendered ​A) to Rev HARVEY MARRIETT Hill Top or Millen Ground – ie Barn Buildings, Garden Fold, Cover Hill, Bank Orchard (late Hopyard and Tyning Field , now in one), Barn Acre and 4 Acre ROBERT WORMINGTON  – The Napp adjoining, the 3 acres adjoining the        Coppice ground,(residue of the estate)1811 MARY TAYLOR  alias TYLER died (Millen Ground etc.)1812 MARY TAYLOR  bequeathed Millen ground (Occ .by Elizabeth Russell) to her son THOMAS for life,then to her 2 daughters , Sarah Horton and Susannah Overton. Her other lands to Susan Oldbury.B)ROBERT WORMINGTON Rev. HARVEY MARRIET surrendered A)Hill Top etc. to THOMAS HENRY COOKES, eldest son of Rev. Denham Cookes  of WoodhamptonB)1. Cover Hill (1 acre 34 perches)2. 4 perches of the S.E. corner of Bank Orchard, marked out and enclosed therefrom, and adjoining to the N.W. part of Cover Hill28 perches of the E. part of  4 Acre Close now fenced off and laid into a piece of freehold land called Jennings Hill to JOHN BEACH of Hartlebury1839 JOHN BEACH    (Lower Million / Upper Million)  not with Hill Top in 1839  Tithe
​​HILL TOP FARMHOUSE(2000)- HILL-TOPP  see ( Millen Ground) and Kitchen,house and farm copyholdTithe Number 453 OS 52.2980625 -2.3001878
1808 JOHN FITZAR paid rent to J.PhillipsROBERT WORMINGTON paid 6sh rent to J.Phillips1809 ROBERT WORMINGTON1814 EDMOND AMYES     Census1839 occ. JOHN OVERTON  owner MARIA COOKES trustee of late Rev Denham1840 MRS COOKES bought by MR COOKES1840 H.F.VERNON   occ  by    Bowkett, Potter and Watson1844 EDMUND AMYES    Occ of Farm Elect Reg1847 THOMAS DANIEL Elect Reg  Occ of H/L  Elect Registered1850 THOMAS DANIEL           “                           “1870 JAMES LLOYD s of JAMES &ELIZABETH JONES farmer bap.1873 RICHARD SANDERS  farmer   Littlebury’s Directory  [Hill Top]  and Elect Reg 1881 WILLIAM POWELL WARD   farmer 95 acres   Census Hill Top 1886 Valuation called ASTLEY ESTATE       BA 5589:48  REF 705:1921896 CHARLES MULLINS Farmer Kelly’s.Directory1904 GEORGE CARTER  farmer K.D.
HOLDERS 1 and 21611 CHRISTIAN SENKYN1800  MR BOURNE1808  Wm. BOURNE paid 10sh 5d rent to J.Phillips   F1812  Mr Wm. BOURNE PAID £4  10sh  to J.Phillips   1815WILLIAM BOURNE1831 WILLIAM BOURNE1839 House , G ,  Shop  – occ JAMES THRUPP   owner MARY BOURNE  Tithe no.201840 H.F.VERNON   tenants  – Wormington and Brasier1841  JAMES THRUPP   Blacksmith   Census1881  HANNAH MEDLICOTT   Census1881ABRAHAM HIGGINS  blacksmith  Census
​HOME HILLS1389     Herbage sold for 20s beside tithe   BA91/92    THOMAS STONE Rental BA 7335  20ii  705:7  Demesne land
HORN COTTAGE, THE HORNTithe 474 O/S 52.2960196, -2.2955311
Landowner Vernon, Trustees of Thomas Bowater (a minor) (Smith Jacob & Jesse Anna Letitia Vernon, George Croft Vernon & John Branston Freer)Occupier John Wildsmith1733 JAMES POWELL part of Pleck Cottages on Dougherty map showing land bought by Vernons 1881 ESTHER PAINTER
​near Glazenbridge
1706     THOMAS BREWER-   in debt –surrendered  to T Vernon with Little Coppice both lying to the north side of Shrawley Wood and reaching a brook called Glasen brook adjoining on both sides land of Thomas Cook. Sold for £381839     JOHN BEACH     (Upper Horse Leasow)   Tithe
IVY COTTAGE Noutards Green behind Rock House Other names Ivy House, Middle Cottage, Wood Edge CottageTithe 470 Description Three Houses & Gardens O/S 52.2952687 -2.2950831Landowner John Reas Occupiers Jones, Thomas; Laland, Sarah & Cook, Susan
JASPER LODGE2000 Just outside Shrawley next to Doddingtree built by Colwills
​New Inn Lane
JENKHARRIS  with DORLINGS  –  DARLINGS  –  DORLYNG  –  DAWLING copyhold( ‘ a messuage and a ½  virgate of land called Jenkharris , lying below the Manor aforesaid)1548 WALTER SEVERNE (Dorlyne)  rental 12s 3d  BA 7335/201582 March 30th ANN d. of JOHN COOKE bap1582 March 30th JONE d.of JOHN COOKE bap1607 THOMAS STONE Copyhold Rental  BA7335/20 111616J OHN COOKE    (Jenkharris)1617J OHN SEVERNE  died1650 CHRISTIAN COOKE    (Dawling) rent for copihold 12s1656 THOMAS SEAVERNE  died  (Jenkeyarrich).1660T HOMAS STONE   (Jenkeharris)1662 THOMAS STONE  (Hearthe Tax01680 MARIA STONE  wife of THOMAS   (died?)  (Jenkharris also Darlings)THOMAS COOKE and CHRISTIAN his wife died—passed to JOHN POWELL and MARGARET, his wife, (d. of John and Christian)1684 THOMAS SEAVERNE1710 THOMAS SEVERNE1726 WILLIAM AMPHLETT1746 THOMAS PICKERNELL1759 JOSEPH AMPHLETT died-passed to his widow ELIZABETH AMPHLETT she died –passed to JOSEPH , her son  ref COURT ROLLS1785 JOSEPH AMPHLETT— surrendered to use of THOMAS PICKERNELL of  Little Witley Court Baron 1791 THOMAS  PICKERNELL  died –passed to his son THOMAS , who passed it to his new wife , MARY1808 THOMAS PICKERNELL paid 12sh 2d rent to J.Phillips1810 THOMAS PICKERNELL rental  12sh 2d  C1815 THOMAS PICKERNELL1834 THOMAS PICKERNELL1839 LORD WARD and trustees occ.? Underwood and others
KINGS HILL   –  KINGSHILLTithe 350 O/S 52.2881747 -2.29288251520 JOHN MARTEN de Kyngeshyll  Lay Subsidy Pd 18d tax Goods valued £30 ref L 142.44 page 881542 JOHN MARTEN bur Shrawley1545 Sep 14th MARGERY daughter of RICHARD MARTIN bap1548 Apr27th THOMAS son of RICHARD MARTIN bap1553 Dec 11th JOHN s. of RICHARD MARTEN bap1621 ROBERT PAYTWIN1630 JACOBUS MARTIN died JOHN MARTIN son and heir admitted tenant1710THOMAS STONE died passed to son and heir RICHARD –he surrendered it to OSBORNE1743 WILLIAM MARTIN died – passed to his wife MARY1743MR SANDERS    (mortgaged by RICHARD STONE)KINGSHILL  – open to claim ,but no-one came so it will be the Lord’s1771 RICHARD STONE  in debt by way of mortgage passed to ROBERT BOURNE1771 ROBERT BOURNE   Admission and surrender  of Richard Poole,heir of Mrs Brown, dec’d  , to Mr Bourne,Richard and Elizabeth his wife from Bromyard, on holding of John Tolley  1782 ROBERT BOURNE and SARAH  his wife surrendered for use of WILLIAM JONES  (tenant Mr Smith)   ref SHRAWLEY COURT ROLLSShrawley and their heirs.1800 MRS HOOK1801 THOMAS MARTIN died (King Hill, Gilberts and Turners)1803 THOMAS MARTEN – passed to his daughter, SARAH, wife of JOHN JACKSON, and his heirs1802 SARAH JACKSON, only d. and child of Sarah Jackson ,deceased.  John Jackson her guardian ‘as Sarah is only 4 or thereabouts’ Sarah Jackson was great-granddaughter and heir of William Martin .She also inherited Gilberts, Turners and Poppits1804 CATHERINE HOOK  (formerly JONES see 1786) died passed to trustees1804 TRUSTEES surrendered to  JAMES DIPPLE 1808 JAMES DIPPLE  died .Widow became tenant.1808JN . JACKSON paid 2 sh rent to J .PhillipsC    WIDOW DIPPLE paid 5sh 6d rent to J.PhillipsC1823 Nov24th JOB s of ˚TAYLOR bap1827 ANN DIPPLE Land Tax1834 K.Hill Estate sold to MR VERNON1839 WM. JONES occ.  owner T.B.V.JOHN PRICE occ. of other house owner T.B.V.  Tithe1840H.F.VERNON   occupied by Henry Clutton1841 A lot of work was done on Kingshill –BA 7335/1071841 WILLIAM JAMESCensus1841 Payment by VERNON for painting up KINGSHILL and whitewashing JAS.SPRAGG’S house 1844 HUGHS  paid for slates for KINGSHILL BA 7335/107 Lots of bills relating to work done to Kingshill in this box THRUPP blacksmith paid for metal hooks ,nails etc for Kingshill1881 ALFRED MOOREBricklayer  Census1881 SARAH HOOPERRetired shopkeeperCensus1892 SAMUEL POWICK    Kellys Directory1896 MRS POWICK  Kellys Directory1895 SAMUEL POWICK died April 1895 aged 62yrs MI
KINGS HILL LODGE and garden1839ELIZABETH VERNON (T.B.V.)  Tithe1840 H.F.VERNON   occupied by W.M.Wildsmith and Mr Butts
​(with Hill Top)
1686 JOHN HOPKINS and THOMAS BREWER1746 FRANCIS FITZER  – passed to his grandson FRANCIS – (The Kitchen, messuage and the close)1790 THOMAS BLAINEY’S heir did not come1796 THOMAS BLAINEY’S estate forfeited – no heir1801 THOMAS BLAINEY’S heir 3rd proclamation  – no-one came1815 JOHN FITZER (The Kitchen with the close , formerlyThomas Blainey’s)1840 MRS COOKES
THE KNAPP  also sold ale   (Was this called  Wormtons?) KNAPPTithe 450 O/S 52.2971649 -2.2980738
1782 WILLIAM WORMINGTON   bequeathed to SARAH CARTER(m. John Wydesmith) for life, then to ROBERT WORMINGTON when aged 21 ,”a garden and piece of land lying before the door.”Rents received by Robt. Bourne and Wm LerigoRef SHRAWLEY COURT ROLLS FRANKPLEDGE1808GRAVES paid 3d rent and MOORES paid 1sh 1d rent to J.Phillips C (referred to as  Wormtons?)1812 JOHN HOUSEMAN  late Richard Graves – part of Wormington’s 1813 JOHN WILDSMITHJOHN WILDSMITH1818JOHN WILDSMITH1839 MARY WORMINGTON owner/occ. (public House)  Tithe1840 MARY WORMINGTON   occ.John Hancock1873 JOHN WORMINGTON  farmer   Littlebury’s Directory [ The Knapp]1881 JOHN WORMINGTON farmer 33 acres Census1904 ARTHUR COOPER  farmer  (K.D.)
THE KNOWLE   –  KNOWLE   –  LE KNOWLE—BAGGINS KNOLL with Hughes Fields ​1710 JOHN PHILPOTT  (th Knowle with Pharleys End) Court Roll 1743 THOMAS TOLLEY1816 WILLIAM CLIFFE  surrendered to WILLIAM  READ KING  (see under Pharley’s End)1818 MR EDWARD POYKE1839 EDWARD POYKE occ.   .Owner Lord Ward   Tithe1848 Nov 6th EMMA d of JOB & MARIA TAYLOR bap lab1874 SAMUEL POWICK     H/L  Elect Reg 1881 SAMUEL POWICK    Farmer 10 acres  Called “Baggins Knoll”1904 WILLIAM ROWLEY   farmer  (K.D.)
(opposite Dodoak-later called Hither Meadow and The Knowle)
1685 WILLIAM CLIFFE  (Hughes Fylds and Ayfold Meadow) deed of William Cliffe to THOMAS VERNON1731 THOMAS DAVIS for his brother WILLIAM tenant for life owner Bowater Vernon (Dougharty Map)1839 THOMAS BEST Tithe
LADYWALL CLOSE?JAMES MARTEN1607 MR.CHILDE Rental BA7335  20ii  705:7Demesne land
LAWN HILL New Inn LaneValue
LAYS BARN next to Wood FarmValue
LENCHFORD INN   – VERNON ARMS – LENCFORD  WHARF1733 Wm. RAWLINS  tenant  – owner  Bowater Vernon  Dougharty Map1814 DAVID RAWLINS1839 BENJAMIN LAUGHER occ.  –  owner T B V   Tithe1841 BEJAMIN LAUGHER  Publican   Census1848 Mar 26th JAMES s of JAMES &ANN THRUPP bap Innkeeper1850J AMES THRUPP  Kellys Directory1873 HENRY THRUPP  coal merchant and lessee of Ferry Lenchford  Littlebury’s Directory [Vernon Arms]1874 HENRY THRUPP    H/L   Elect Reg 1881 HENRY THRUPP Licensed Victualler census1896 HENRY THRUPP  Kellys Directory1904 HENRY THRUPP    coal merchant and farmer  (K.D.)
LENCHFORD MEADOW PARK many static homes 
THE LODGE –Lenchford Meadow Park
 opposite Rose and Crown Tithe 394 Description 2 houses and gardens
LITTLE MEADOW  Lenchford  Meadow Park
LITTLE NICHOLLS opposite Nichols Farm1841 SARAH LYTHALCensus1892 ROWLAND WILLIAMS   Kellys Directory
LONGCROFT ​1840MR BRASIER left Longcroft in Caldecot Will ​
2000 bungalow built for Pig Unit in Nutcross Lane circa 1985
LONG MEADOW  –  (LONG ACRE  –  LONGSTONE  –  LONGCROFT) LONGERS one parcel of land ​1548 THOMAS MARTYN  (Longstone)  BA 7335/201548 AGNESE  SEVERNE (Long MeadowBA 7335/20
1589 Jan 31st JOHN s.of JOHN MARTEN bap1592 Apr 7th JOAN d. of JOHN MARTEN bap1594 Feb 15th JANE d.of JOHN MARTEN bap (Longers)1596 May 13th AGNES d. of JOHN MARTEN bap 1607 HUMFREY STONE  (Long meadow)Rental  BA7335  20ii  705:7  Demesne land1607 JOHN MARTEN    (Longcroft)1607JAMES MARTEN formerly ,now MR CHILDE owner  (Longe Meadows)1629 JOHN MARTEN-(wife  ISABEL died –tax due)
J1630 OHN MARTEN died
1784EDWARD PENRICE of Droitwich  Court Baron BA 5589   705:192EMMA CECIL as Lady of the Manor Rev William Vernon had died1812 MRS SEVERN  (JANE)
1828 JANE SQUIRE admitted tenant
1839 THOMAS PICKERNELL     Tithe1840 H F VERNON occ by Forty and Johnson
LONGMEDE1389 50s for the herbage of Longmede sold  BA 91/92
1548 AGNES SEVERNE Lords demesne ¼ arable Rental BA7335/20 (8)  
1548 THOMAS MARTEN   for ¼ part of arable Rental 7335/20 (8)
1548 WALTER SEVERNE   Rental 7335/2 (8)
LORD’S CROFT    1548 RICHARD STONE  rent 2d.  Taken from the Lord  BA7335/20 part 31
THE LORDYS MOUND1549 THOMAS SEVERNE  (see under Court Meadows)
LOWER FUDGES.LOWER FUDGERS1839 THOMAS SMITH owner occ  Tithe1844 WILLIAM TAYLOR    Freehold  H/L   Elect Reg 1881 JAMES JOHNSON   lab Census? MRS CRANE
MARTLIES usually with SMITHIES1607 ROBERT SEAVERNERentalBA 7335/20  111808 WILLIAM WALKER Rental BA 7335/107(iv)  27MARTLEYS  –  MARTLES  –  MARTLISS  see under Smiths .nearly always with Smiths1548 THOMAS PARDOE   (Martles)BA7335/201615J OHN WEAVER(Martles Land )WALTER SANKYN  rent for copihold 13s  4d?T HOMAS SEVERN1659 THOMAS SEAVERNE alias SENKYN  died ROBERT given customary tenancy ROBERT SEAVERNE  to ISABELLE (Robert’s wife?Or was she Thomas’ wife?)****check this one1809 JAMES HICKMAN  surrendered to WILLIAM GABB of Upton Warren1812WILLIAM GABB  died –passed to JOSEPH his son1812JOSEPH GABB surrendered to WILLIAM WALKER ,yeomanLORD WARD trustee-  tenant M. Barrow
MALVERN VIEW BARNBarn converted from an old barn belonging to Westhouse Nutcross Lane
Noutards Green
THE MILL1656 Dec 18th RICHARD s.of JOHN TOLLEY bap
NETHER MOORE ​1548 AGNES SEVERNE   Lords demesne   BA 7335/20  (8)1607 WILLIAM BREWER Rental  BA7335  20ii  705:7   Demesne land
NETHER PARK1548 WALTER SEVERNE  Rental 7335/20(8)1607 THOMAS STONE (meadow and leasow)  Demesne Land  Rental BA7335  20ii  705:7  
NEW COTTAGEbuilt circa2005 in lane up to wood entrance Noutards Green
NEW HOUSE  –  (Housemans)1650 JOHN PAYTWIN  rent for copihold of new house and croft 4s
?SAMUEL LAMB1733 SAMUEL LAMBEOwner Bow. Vernon  + Hopyard   Dougharty Map1805 MR BRASIER
NEW INN   Also a slaughter house Tith 421 O/S 52.294736, -2.295857
1808 JOHN ROBINSON1816 Oct 18th JOHN s.of SAMUEL & SUSANNA FORD  bap1818 Jun24th THOMASs.of SAMUEL & SUSANNA FORD  bap1820 Mar19th SAMUEL s.of SAMUEL & SUSANNA FORD  bap1821 Apr15th HENRY s of SAMUEL & SUSANNA FORD  bap1824 Sep18th THOMAS s of WILLIAM&SARAH BOOTON bap day lab1823 Sep14th GEORGEs.of SAMUEL & SUSANNA FORD bap1827 THOMAS COOK   Prop Sam Ford  occ.   Land Tax¬1839 SAM FORD Tithe 1844 SAMUEL FORD     Freehold H/L  Elect reg 1850 SAMUEL FORD   Kellys Directory1873 MRS SUSANNAH  FORD Innkeeper and farmer   Littlebury Directory1881 FREDERICK FORD Inn KeeperFarmer of 40 acres Census1904 MRS SUSAN FORD
NICHOLS BARNconverted barn from Nichols Farm circa 1995
NICHOLLS  –  NICHOLS  – NICHOLS FARM1445 JOHN NICHOLS held of the Lord a messuage with a croft adjacent a parcel of land called CLERKS alias NYCOLLES per service military .  Court Roll 1480A GNES NICHOLLS (died?) JOHANNES NICHOLLS next heir thereof sougfht full court admittance to messuages and land with appurtenances gave Lord 6s 1/2d  (Court Roll)1494 JOHANNES NICHOLLS  he died since last Court  held  mess and land worth 6s heriot, calf coloured red worth 2s 4d (Court Roll)1650    JOHN COOKE(Nicholls)1548J OHN ASTON(with Farleys)  rent12s ?d BA 7335/20 1584 ROBERT COOKE    paid 2sh rent for Nicols   BA 7335/20    91550J OHN STONE1607 RICHARD SMYTH  Freehold Rental  BA 7335/20 111613 Oct 24th WALTER s. of JOHN COOKE bap1613J OHN COOKEdied 1615 (Nicholls)1615J OHN COOKE  Will of John Cooke Yeoman  (Nycols and Farleis)JOHN  COOKE   rent for freehold  5s  1/2d  BA 7335/20 c.1650RICHARD SMYTH1662 JOHN COOKE(Hearth Tax for 1)1726 THOMAS BAKER1745 JOHN BAKER – passed to his son GEORGE1792 THOMAS SMITH  paid 5sh 1d rent(rent account)1808 THOMAS SMITH  paid 5sh 1d rent to J. P hillips1812 THOMAS SMITH1815 THOMAS COOKE1827 THOMAS SMITH    Land Tax1839 THOMAS SMITH    occ. by Sarah LythallTithe1840 THOMAS SMITH  tenant John Wormington and T Smith1841 THOMAS SMITHFarmer Census1844T HOMAS SMITH      Freehold   H /L      Elect Reg 1881 ROLAND WILLIAMS Carpenter1881 SUSANNAH FORD Farming 5 acresCensus1898 Particulars of property belonging to SIR HARRY FOLEY VERNON Tenants BA 589 parcel 54271 FREDERICK FORD276,275,265 JOHN MARKS
NICHOLS COTTAGE1881 EDWIN TAYLOR    LabCensus1898 Particulars of Nicholls Cottage belonging to SIR HARRY FOLEY VERNON,orchard and arable   269,270,266,274,277 BA 5589 parcel 54
NICHOLETTS- NYCOLETE1584 THOMAS JONESpaid 11sh for Nicolete and Mylliend    BA   Rental 7335/20  91710 THOMAS BAKER (Nicholetts)1749J OHN BAKER and ANNE – see  Farley’s End
​NOUTARDS GREEN  –  NEWTERS GREEN  –  NOWTERS – NOWTWOODS1680 Cottages erected by JAMES POWELL  He had a wife, JANE , and  three children. MARGARET b. 1654;MARTIN b. and d.1663; JOHN b 1664. Also second family by wife MARGARET.  MARGARET b 1685; MARY b. 1688; JAMES b 1693THOMAS HILL  died 1682 He had a wife ,Mary, and three children-THOMAS b. 1645; JOHN b. 1649; MARY  b 1656JOHN SPRAGGJohn Sprague of Shrawley m. ELINOR MILLARD of Defford in April 1657. They had four children-MARY b. 1658; MARGARET b. and d. 1665; ELIZABETH and SUSANNAH .b 1670 (Elinor died 1690)JOHN JONESHe had a wife MARGARET and two children—RICHARD b.1688; ANN b.1693RICHARD seized of propertyWILLIAM JONESTHOMAS BOYCEJOHN BREWER1700 JOHN VICCARIS  held Nowters, Over Slad,  Lower Slad  (fields)1827 JOHN JONES  Prop  T T VERNON  Land Tax1827 JAMES REA“““1827 SAMUEL POWICK“““
NUTCROSS BUNGALOWbuilt 1976 for the Pig unit next door
NUTCROSS COTTAGES-1 and 2- BELJAMES- BELGAMES (plus field)  also-OTHER HOUSE-NUTTS CROSS COTTAGE-NUTHEALD-NUTT GROUNDS1548 THOMAS SEVERNE MEESE (Belyames) 14s 11d RentalBA 7335/20 (8)1607 WIDOW WYKEN for Nutheald copyhold rental  Rental BA 7335/20 111607 ROBERT SEAVERNE  Copyhold Rental  BA 7335/20 111650 WILLIAM SAMBACHE Rental for Copihold of Beljames and Nutt Grounds BA7335/201677 Jan 25th ROBERT s.of THOMAS SEVERN bap born 11th Jan 1687 Mar 10th ELIZABETH d. of THOMAS SEVERN bap1689 Apr 2nd JOHN s.of THOMAS & JOAN SEVERN bap1690 Mar 10th MARTHA twin d. of THOMAS SEVERN bap1690 Mar 10th MARY twin d. of THOMAS SEVERN bap169 1Jun 23rd WILLIAM s of THOMAS & JOAN SEVERN bap1700 THOMAS SEAVERNE (Nutty Rounds)1706 THOMA SEAVERNE  (Nutheald)1710 THOMAS SEAVERNE died passed to JOANNE SEAVERNE wid and wife (Beljames) Court Roll 1728 THOMAS SEVERNE left BELJAMES to son RANDOLPH wife JOANNE SEVERNE1730 RANDOLPH SEAVERNE   surrendered to SAMUEL LAMB and WILLIAM YOATS1742 MR JAMES BRASIER   purchased c’y    t’  cy   from RANDOLPH SEVERNE  for   £4601740 EDWARD SEAVERNE died (Nutty Rounds otherwise Nutwalls)1744 RANDOLPH    and  MARY  SEVERNE   (passed to JANE VERNON,  relict of   BOWATER VERNON1758 THOMAS SEAVERNE (Nutty Rounds or Nutheald passed to the Lord)1808 JANE SQUIRE paid rent of 4s to J Phillips for Nutheald1827J AMES HAYWOOD   Prop   Jonh Hickman occ. Land Tax 1828  JANE SQUIRE admitted tenant1835 JANE SQUIRE died -passed to JAMES HAYWOOD .Sold to THOMAS PICKERNELL of Eastgrove1840 H F VERNON tenant E VERNON 1841 WILLIAM BURY  Ag labCensus1841 JOHN COMPTON  Ag labCensus1881 ELIZABETH COMPTONLabCensus1881 CARDINE A UNDERWOOD1911 Mr J COMPTON  No.10Census1911 Mrs UNDERWOOD No.11 CensusNUTNILL1800 MR LANE1808 FRANCIS REA1818 FRANCIS LANE
1548 JOHN ASTON(Gylbarts with Headmill) pasture called Gylbarts 15s7d rent per year   BA7335/20  705:71589 JOHN CLERKalias GILBERT  (31st year of Elizabeth 1st)1607 THOMAS HAMPTON Copyhold Rental   BA 7335/20  111650 THOMAS STONErent for copihold of Gilberts and Heads Myll 17s  7d  BA7335/20 c.1650 THOMAS HAMPTON(Gilberts)1681 THOMAS HAMPTON
1733 RICHARD LOW  tenant–Owner BOWATER.VERNONDougharty Map1764 JOHN HOPKINS died ,”having erected a cottage on part of Gilberts,late belonging to TOMAS HAMPTON.”Rev. JOHN HOPKINS his heir.1801 THOMAS MARTINdied   (Gilberts,Kings Hilll and Turners )?Marquis of Exeter to JOHN JACKSON 21yr lease1803 SARAH JACKSONsee under King’s Hill .(Gilberts–40 yds length, 26 yds breadth)(F)1808 JOHN JACKSON  paid 4d rent to J.PHILLIPS1815 JOHN JACKSON1834 JOHN JACKSON1839 WILLIAM TOMKINS occ.Owner Wm PEARMAN   (T)1840 WILLIAM PEARMAN land part of Gilberts-0cc. JOHN WORMINGTON1858 WILL OF THOMAS MARTIN30th July 1858THOMAS MARTIN in his Will dated 8th October 1798 bequeathed to his daughter SARAH, wife of JOHN JACKSON all his freehold and Copyhold eastate . She died in May1802 or1802 and the Estate then passed to her only daughter SARAH PEARMAN , known as SARAH JACKSON. At a Court held on the 18th October 1803 the said SARAH PEARMAN then called SARAH JACKSON, was (by JOHN JACKSON her Guardian , because she was an infant under four years old) admitted tenant to the above . She married a WILLIAM PEARMAN who died on or about 3rd Aug1849 and was buried at Astley. On the 30th July 1858 SARAH PEARMAN came before HENRY BEARCROFT (Steward of the Manor) and surrendered out of Court into the hands of the Lord of the Manor in the presence and testimony of SAMUEL PEARMAN  SMITH of Walsall gent. , a parcel of land (cottage having been taken down some time ago) 40 yds long by 26 yds wide being part of a Customary Messuage heretofore of THOMAS HAMPTON called GILBERTS  and all other land and premises comprised in the said property called GILBERTS .All the above  are now in the occupation of JOHN WORMINGTON as Tenant. SARAH PEARMAN was then admitted tenant paying yearly sum of four pence heriot when due etc…..    Signed HENRY BEARCROFT  Steward
OAKVILLE centre of village
THE OLD BARNformerly TITHE Barn for the Rector of Shrawley next to Old Rectory
OLD CROWN COTTAGES 1, 2 and 31881 JANE ANDREWSAg lab Census1881 JAMES COUNDAg lab Census1881 ANN PERKINS Census​
OLD MILL HOUSE see Cart House
OLD PIGGERY ​Nutcross Lane Pine Factory 2000
OLD VILLAGE HALLNear Hays Farm converted circa 2000
Sankyns Green
THE PARK1389 Bailiffs account 20s paid for herbage in the Old Park  BA91/92? WIDDOW COOKE1389A close made around the park BA 91/92MR CHILDE Demesne land  Rental BA7335 20ii   705:7
PENROSE New Inn LaneLandowner and occupier 1839 Elizabeth Rusell
PHARLEYS END-see under Farleys
PIPE HOUSE-PIPERS-PYPERS-PIPER’S HILLHUGH SALWEY    BA 7335/20 Rental part 31 3sh per annum
1607 WILLIAM HAMPTON  Copyhold RentalBA 7335/20  ii1627 JOHN BREWER   d. 1672JOHN BREWER (Pypers)  rent for copihold 3s  1 1/2d  BA7335/20
1662 JOHN BREWER   (Hearth Tax for 1)?THOMAS SEAVERNE1684 Nov 3rd MARY d.of THOMAS SEVERN1687 Jan 18th THOMAS s.of THOMAS (blank) bap1688 WILLIAM SEAVERNE  d.  1688    (Pipers)1689 THOMAS SEAVERNE 1694 THOMAS SEAVERNE
1711 MARIA FITZER  alias   ANTONIES1728 THOMAS FITZER1754 JOHN GARDNER  of Astley  – passed to SARAH GARDNER, spinster. She married JOHN CLARKE
1771 MR CLARKE  (wife Sarah nee Gardner) surrendered to WILLIAM BEACH (husbandman)
1792 WILLIAM BEACH  paid 3sh rent 1793 WILLIAM BEACH  died  –  passed to his widow ,MARY (Piper’s Hill)1798 MARY BEACH  died – passed to her son WILLIAM BEACH (Piper’s Hill)1800 WILLIAM BEACH1805 WILLIAM BEACH  died  – passed to his neice HANNAH  RUSSELL  for her life ,then to his nephew, JOHN BEACH1808 JOHN ROBINSON1812 JOHN ROBINSON late Mrs Beach1816 HANNAH ROBINSON, nee RUSSELL, wife of JOHN died (Piper’s Hill)1824 23rd Jan NATHAN s of WILLIAM & ANN MARIE HARPER bap1825 Mar 13th JOHN s of WILLIAM & ANN MARIA HARPER bap lab1825 Jun 3rd JOHN s of HENRY & ELIZABETH GRAINGER bap mason1827 JOHN BEACH 1839 JOHN BEACH     2 houses in occupied by SAMUEL CLARKE and JOHN WENSLEY1840 JOHN BEACH  in occupation of ?  Medlicott1841 JOSEPH WENSLEYBricklayer  Census1841 MARY CLARKLab  Census1881 PLUTO BURROWShopkeeperCensus1881 THOMAS WOODYATTCensus1881J AMES JONESLodger  lab Census
THE POUND1627      THOMAS COOKE1808      JOHN HOUSEMAN   Rental 7335/107 (iv)   271811      JOHN HOUSEMAN1812      JOHN HOUSEMAN1820     JOHN s of THOMAS & MARY BROOKS bap1824 18th Jan MARY d of JOHN & SARAH HAMMOND alias ANAMS Bap1827    THOMAS HOUSEMAN occ JOSEPH HUGHES  Land Tax1841    JOHN PRICECensus1857 Jun14th EDWIN s of WILLIAM &ELIZABETH TAYLOR bap lab    Cottages burnt down in 1950’s and the council purchased the land where they built 2 council houses.
PRIMROSE COTTAGE Rectory Lane – THE WHITE HOUSE Tithe 361 52.2885244 -2.29447421541 6th Nov  THOMAS son of THOMAS SEVERN bap1545 Oct 2nd RICHARD son of THOMAS SEVERN bapWILLIAM SEVERNE  Will and Inventory. Estate left to sisters ANNE and JOANE and brother JOHN of Redmarley(Gt Witley)HENRY JUYRANE (INGRAM?)1659     WALTER SEAVERNE died left in Will to CHRISTIAN SEAVERNE Court Roll 1812     REV. SAMUEL WHARTON  part ? part-late Richard Smith1815   REV SAMUEL WHARTONBENJAMIN CROFT1824 Jul 14th WILLIAM s of WILLIAM & ANN WALKER bap  lab1824 Aug 21st WILLIAM s of CHARLES&SARAH CUND bap Sawyer1827 JOHN BEACH  Prop1834  REV. SAMUEL WHARTON1839WILLIAM PIPER    3 houses and gardens  occ. by Charles Cound, Ann Walkert and John Brasier    TitheMR PIPER  occ. by Joseph Partridge1854Property passed from GEORGE CROFT VERNON to THOMAS BOWATER VERNON Indenture BA 5589 parcel 541878  WILLIAM PIPER  died seized of Whitehouse –  passed to Thomas West and Elizabeth Hammond1881 THOMAS FLELLOCarpenter and sawyerCensus1881 CHARLOTTE WAINRIGHT1881 WILLIAM WALKERBricklayerCensus1883 Property passed from EDWARD VERNON to HARRY FOLEY VERNON Letters of Accession from controller of Inland RevenueBA 5589 parcel 541898 Particulars of property belonging to SIR HARRY FOLEY VERNON     Tenants of 3 cottages with gardens FLELLO, GREEN, WALKER, GEO HODKINSON    220,133,134,135,136 total 7 acres BA 5589 parcel 54
PUDDLE-EDGE,Hazelhurst Farm  20002000 became Hazlehurst Farm
PURSE GREEN  alias PAXTERS GREENBA 7335/ 18 iii    8    705:7Be it known unto all men by these persons  that we PHILLIP GOODE and ABSOLIM my wife do acknowledge and confess ourselves to your hand and received of FFOULKES BOURNE  of Elmbridge in the county of Worcester yeoman the summe of fourscore pounds of current English money for and in consideration of all their right and title and in full satisfaction for the payment for one messuage or mere tenement called or known by the name of PURSE GREENE lyinge and beinge in the parish of Shrawley and county of Worcester for the payment of which sayde sum of  fourscore pounds and every part and parcel thereof we do hereby acquit exonerate release and forever discharge the sayd FFOULKE BOURNE his heirs executors and administrators from all debts dutyes and demandes what soever from the beginninge of the world till the date of these perschase?  In witness whereof we have now subscribed our hands     In the presence of ?ffoulke     Anthony Goode     Richard Adams1601      Jul.15th  CHRISTIAN d.of THOMAS SEVERN bap1607      MR ADDIS  Copyhold  RentalBA 7335/20  11MARTHA,JOHN and RICHARD ADDYS1733 BOWATER VERNON owner 2 cottages Occ. by THOMAS WEAVER, and EDWARD FARMER Dougharty Map
THE RECTORY1850 CAPT CHAMBERS  Kellys Directory1881 W F VERNONRector of ShrawleyCensus1892 REV WILLIAM FOLEY VERNON  Kelly’s.Directory1896 REV WILLIAM FOLEY VERNON  Kellys Directory1904 REV. WILLIAM FOLEY VERNON (K.D.)
RECTORY LANE a set of council houses built around 1950  1,2,3&4
THE RECTORYnewly built circa 1960 Church Lane
REDACRES bungalow next to Bowpit
THE RIDDING1389  Herbage sold for 40s beside the tithe BA 91/921548 AGNES SEVERNE   BA 7335 /20   (8)MR CHILD ERental  BA7335  20ii  705:7Demesne land 
Rent for Demesne land Ridding meadow per annum £20 –one parcel in occ of JOHN PATRYN  £3
1804       THOMAS COOKE  3 acres, MRS BEACH  12 acres​
 ( ‘nearby King’s Hill,’ or ‘lying near the Church’)
1726 WILLIAM MARSHALL – passed to his widow ,ELIZABETH, also to SAMUEL LAMB1729 SAMUEL LAMB died, surrendered two tenements to his grandd. MARY PERRINS, also grandson ,SAMUEL WILLIS. (Now rented by JOHN GOODMAN)1729 WILLIAM MARSHALL –wife ELIZA relict –to son JOHN Court Roll1731 JOHN MARSHALL  (son of William) Customary tenancy1746 WILLIAM VERNON (three houses in occ .of ELIZABETH MARSHALL and THOMAS MARSHALL1750 SAMUEL and BETTY WILLIS – passed one tenement to the use of RICHARD GRAVES at a yearly rent of 3 pence1782 RICHARD GREAVES    died – passed to his wife HANNAH (K.H.) ref Court Roll1786 ANNA GREAVES –  to her son ROBERT1787 JOHN GREAVES  – passed to JOHN HOUSEMAN1811 JOHN HOUSEMAN1811 THOMAS TOLLEY  died (K.H.)1812 JOHN HOUSEMAN  (house and land map no. 356-Stones )1812BETTY BISHOP – heiress of brother Thomas Tolley (1 of Rob. Stone’s 3 houses for life – plus the furniture – then to his niece Elizabeth Devereux)1817 BETTY BISHOP  died (1 of rob. Stone’s 3 cottages)1840 MARY WEBB
ROBINS CROFTNew Inn Lane built in the grounds of Spring Bank circa 1965Spring bank owned and occupied in 1839 by Thomas Jones Tithe 416
ROCK HOUSE1844      THOMAS JONES    Freehold H/L   Elect Reg
ROCK COTTAGE1881           CHARLES NORMAN Ag lab Census
ROCK COTTAGE 2 ,3 AND 41881           HANNAH HILL Dressmaker  Census1881           ELLEN WORMINGTON1881           THOMAS POULTNEYAg lab Census​
ROLLS MEADOW      – ROLLESMEDE​1548       AGNES SEVERNE     Lords demesne  BA 7335/20   (8)1389       Bailiffs account 20s for herbage sold beside tithe  BA 91/921607 THOMAS AYNSWORTH Rental  BA7335  20ii  705:7  Demesne land
ROPERS  see under Burnt House
ROSE COTAGE​1881      HANNAH THOMAS    Shopkeeper
on main rd opp New Inn
Tithe 468 O/S 52.2954184- 2.2956455
ROSE AND CROWN INN (The Malt House)Tithe 357 Description 1839 House Shop Garden & Pleck & Two Houses & Gardens O/S 52.2894701 -2.2947507​1839JOSEPH BATEMAN  own/occ. + 2 other cottages occ .by MARY CATTELL and JAMES MARKS  Tithe1873HANNAH THOMAS shopkeeper   Littlebury’s Directory  [Rose and Crown Cottage]1874 WILLIAM TAYLOR        H/L   Elect Reg 1881THOMAS E CRAM?Inn KeeperCensus1891FREDERICK SUMMERSELL  Kellys Directory1904 GEORGE W MUSTOE  (K.D.)Now private house
1 Slade Lane
RUSH LEASOWTHOMAS STONE Rental  BA 7335  20ii  705:7  Demesne land
1839       THOMAS BOWATER VERNON    Tithe
SANKYN’S GREEN    SANKINS GREENCottages erected in1680?             WILLIAM GREENE1733 JOHN FIELD  tenant of  Bowater Vernon’s cottage upon Sankin’s Green   Dougharty Map1824 Dec 18th SUSAN d of SAMUEL&MARY OAKEY bap ..lab1825 Feb 27th JANE d of WILLIAM & ANN TRAGUR bap  butcher1845 Apr 28th ENOCH WILLIAM s of JAMES & ANN HANCOX bap Blacksmith1874       DAVID KNOWLES  H/L     Elect Reg 1881       DAVID KNOWLESWheelwright1881       ROBERT BROWNGardenerCensus1881JAMES KNOWLESContractor &Farmer empl.30 men,1 boy His wife is a shopkeeper1881       SAMUEL OAKEYCarpenterCensus1881       JAMES HOOKLab Census1881        JAMES ALLEN    Road labCensus1881        WILLIAM WRIGHTLabCensus​
1,SANKYNS GREENuninhabited 2000
2.SANKYNS GREEN 2000 ​Value
THE SCHOOL1881      MARIA HOUGH SchoolmistressCensus
​SEVERN BANK  COCKBAYLIS  COCKBAYLISSE– SEVERN HOUSE  and  USHWALLS (land) also SHOWALLS1548 RICHARD WYCKEN   1 meese and halfe yard land 12sh 3d   per annum rent     BA 7335/20 part 311607 WIDOW WICKEN  Copyhold  Rental   BA 7335/20  111607 WILLIAM HANSON For USHWALLS  Cophold Rental  BA 7335/20  11RICHARD SEVERNE Rent for copihold 12s  3dBA7335/20-1662 RICHARD SEVERNE   (Hearth Tax for 1 )1688 THOMAS SEVERNE—- WIDOW WICKEN1688 May 29th ELIZABETH d.of THOMAS SEVERN bap1689 THOMAS SEVERNE1692 Dec27th ANN d.of THOMAS SEVERN bap 1693 THOMAS SEVERNE1700 THOMAS SEVERNE1740 EDWARD SEVERNE  died  passed to son THOMAS SEVERNE   BA 5589 750/192 p141765 THOMAS SEVERNE    died   passed to JANE SEVERN1800 MR BRASIER1808 JANE SQUIRE  paid 12sh 3d   rent to J.PHILLIPS    copyhold1812 JANE  SEVERN   widow died    “no-one came”( Cock Baylis and Ushalls also Showalls)1813 MRS SEVERN1815 JAMES SQUIRE,  THOMAS SEVERNE’S nephew admitted to Cockbaylis and Ushwalls1828 JAMES SQUIRE died  left to use of JANE SQUIRE 1835 THOMAS SOUTHALL of Gt Witley ( Severn House Estate-106 acres )Sold by Auction 1836 (used for Court Manor )1839 EDWARD VERNON occupier   Trustees –T.B.VERNON   (T)1840 H.F..VERNONtenant  E.VERNON ( Showalls—barn  and land,freehold)1841 HARRIET VERNON Census1844 EDWARD VERNON     Occ of Farm      Elect Reg 1850 EDWARD VERNON  Kellys directory1881 EDWARD VERNON  County  MagistrateCensus [ Severn Bank]1885 EDWARD VERNON Esq 4th son of Thomas Vernon died (born 1801) MI1901 HENRY BIRCH Farm BailiffCensus1904 HUMPHREY HEMUSf armer
1746       REV COOKESc1800      REV. COOKES1808       MRS FREEMAN  paid rent to J Phillips1839       MARIA COOKES    trustee of Rev. Denham (late)  Tithe
SHARPLEYS1808      MRS FREEMAN  Rent paid to J Phillips
SHOBBEGROVE and stewponds ​1389 Bailiffs account  One piece of green under Shobbegrove no payment because farmed with the demesne land.1389 83 men hired for one day to throw earthworks.10 wagons hired to carry land to the head of the stewponds   BA 91/92
SHOTGROVE1839WILLIAM MILES and WILLIAM BARKER occupers of 2 cottages owner Vernon Tithe1881JOHN TONKSGen lab Census1881GEORGE CRUMPTONAg lab  Census(one house in 2000) SHOTGROVE COTTAGE 1and2
SHOWLES1650        THOMAS NASH  rent for freehold 5s  BA7335/201800        MRS SEVERN1808         J A.SQUIRE  paid 5sh rent to J.Phillips   F​ freehold   ponds
SHRAWLEY HOUSEWas the Police StationLand owner/Occupier Hannah Webster
1784   EDWARD PENRICE of Droitwich  ref Court Baron BA 5589 705:1921792       MR/MRS BEACH   paid 2sh rent Rent Account1793        MR /MRS BEACH1800        MRS TYLER and JOSEPH RUSSEL1800        WILLIAM  BREWeRS    (now called Slade Hole)1812       THOMAS OLDBURY1816        WILLIAM CLIFFE (The Slade) see under Pharley’s End1827        JOHN OVERTON   Prop  Sam Ford  occ.  Land Tax1839 JOHN BEACH owner of 2 cottages GEORGE WILLIAMS and ISIAH CROWTHER   Tithe1840 JOHN BEACH  tenant?  Crowther part of Slade Hole,  Mary Wormington’s land–tenant John Hancock1847Sep 19th WILLIAM s of JOHN &MARIA CLARKE bap lab1881       THOMAS BUNCE LawyerCensus1881       SUSANNAH CROUTHER Census
THE SMITHY– Sankyns Green
SMITHIES  – SMEEDS  –  SMEETHS-SMETHYS – SMITHEYS  copyhold1548 THOMAS MARTEN  for a cottage called Smythes 2s BA7335/201548        WILLIAM SEAVERNE(Smethys) Rental 11s 8d  BA7335/20 1550THOMAS SEAVERNE(Smeyths and another messuage- Martleys) rent for copihold of both 13s  4d BA 7335/201551        WILLIAM SEAVERNE(Smethys and Martleys)1615         CHRISTIAN SEAVERNE(Senkyn?  Smethes and Martles)1615        JOHN MARTEN  (Smethes)1616        WALTER SENKYN(Smethes and Martles)1630 WALTER SEAVERNE (Smithies and Martleys) died CHRISTIAN SEAVERNE alias SENKIN admitted tenant 2nd son JOHN SEAVERNE alias SENKIN mentioned. Court Roll 1637        CHRISTIAN SEAVERNE(Smeethes and Martleys) Will1650      THOMAS SEAVERNE alias SENKYN tenant died seized of SMEETHES and MARTLEYS  ISABELLE his wife being admitted for her freebench (Court Roll)1650        WALTER SANKYN  (Smeeds)1659       ROBERT SEAVERNE to ISABELLE1662       WALTER SANKYN(Hearth Tax for 2)1683 ISABELLA SEAVERNE and THOMAS SEAVERNE
1740 EDWARD SEAVERNE  -passed to MARY SEAVERNE and MARGARET (Smiths and Martleys)
1749     JAMES SQUIRE –   Indenture between JAMES SQUIRE of 1st part and MARY SEVERN  of 2nd part1787      MARGARET WOOD, wife of JAMES died, passed to JAMES SQUIRE  (Martles and Smithies)    JAMES SQIURE surrendered property to JAMES WIRKMAN 1787JAMES SQUIRE  surrendered to JAMES HICKMAN of the Parish of St. Peter Worcester (did not appear)  Is this James Wirkman?1808  JAMES WIRKMAN surrendered property to THOMAS PICKERNELL1808 JANE SQUIRE  paid  13sh 4d rent for Smethys and Martleys to J.Phillips.1808  WILIAM WALKER1812 THOMAS PICKERNELL late Thomas Severn paid 5sh 10d rent1833   THOMAS PICKERNELL junior as THOMAS  senior died 1836 THOMAS PICKERNELL  surrendered Smith’s field to Rev John Vernon  7 acres part of Customary Copyhold Messuage called Smithies1839 THOMAS PICKERNELL  –  house, garden, and shop  nos. 199, 246 , 247  Tithe  Occ. by JAMES SMITHNext to Blacksmiths Timber Yard / shop occ .by Robert Parker and James Smith1839   H.F.VERNON  part of land, tenant? PartridgeLORD WARD part of  Smith’s Land, tenant Mr Watson1848  16th March Mr Knipe by direction of Mr Thomas Pickernell surrendered to Rt. Hon. Gevies ,Earl of Leicester and Rt Hon James Baronet of Dunfermline tenement called  Smithies held of the Manor of Shrawley with lands thereto belonging with the exception of SMITHS FIELD formerly pt of same tenancy since sold to Rev Vernon  1854 THOMAS BOWATER VERNON-passed to him by REV  JOHN VERNON Surrendered for £30
SMITHS FIELD-7 acres  Customary tenancy and messuage (above) of Vernons  244 on Tithe map

1749Indenture between  JAMES SQUIRE 1st part , MARY SEVERN of 2nd pt and EDWARD STEWARD and JOHN BALLARD of 3rd p1787Aug 25th -Indenture JAMES SQUIRE of 1st pt ,JAMES WIRKMAN of 2nd pt  Surrendered in Court 21st Sep 1787 Squire to Wirkman (Court Roll)1790May- Admittance of JAMES WIRKMAN  (Court Roll)1808Feb- surrendered by JAMES WIRKMAN and THOMAS PICKERNELL     admittance  (Court Roll ) 1833THOMAS PICKERNELL died THOMAS PICKERNELL ,son,as devisee admitted  (Court Roll)1836THOMAS PICKERNELL  of  Eastgrove surrendered a piece of land called Smiths Field to Rev VERNON £300 pd at Manor held at Cockbaylis. 1839THOMAS PICKERNELLTithe1854THOMAS  BOWATER  VERNON  BA 5589    Ref 705:192 Box 48 ii 
MARTLEYS  –  MARTLES  –  MARTLISS   .nearly always with SmithsValue1548T HOMAS PARDOE   (Martles)BA7335/201615 JOHN WEAVER(Martles Land )1651 WALTER SANKYN  rent for copihold 13s  4d
?THOMAS SEVERN1659 THOMAS SEAVERNE alias SENKYN  died ROBERT given customary tenancy ROBERT SEAVERNE  to  ISABELLE 1810 JAMES HICKMAN  surrendered to WILLIAM GABB of Upton Warren
1813 WILLIAM GABB  died –passed to JOSEPH his son
1813 JOSEPH GABB surrendered to WILLIAM WALKER ,yeoman
1840 LORD WARD trustee-  tenant M. Barrow
SPRING BANK 1 AND 2 New Inn Lane1873GEORGE ALLEN of Diglis Worcester  Freehold cottages /L  Elect Reg 1881FRANCIS MORRISGen lab Census1881MARY BADHAMCensus1881EDWARD TAYLORButcherCensus1892WILLIAM MARTIN Kellys Directory1896HENRY GREEN   Kelly’s.Directory  Shopkeeper
SPRING COTTAGE (next to Bartlands)184 1JAMES SPRAGG Shoemaker Census
New Inn Lane -1 and 2 converted into 2 houses circa 1975 Built as part of Hamptons Farm
THREE OAKSBuilt in 2001
1808M RS FREEMAN paid rent to J.Phillips   C/F1811 REV. COOKES
JOHN BEACH  -no house
TURNERS  Also see under BOWPIT1803 Jn. Jackson  (F) 2sh rent paid to J.Phillips
UPPER FUDGES –FODGERS  –  (Fudgers?) Purse Green Farm1800WILLIAM GREAVES(Fodgers)WILLIAM GUAWS1839WILLIAM GREAVES   occ  – owner SUSAN BOURNE  –  (Upper Fudges)1901WILLIAM GEGG  painter and glazier Census
USHWALLS  –  USHALLS   CopyholdCourt Baron 1710

Item. They present that since the last Court MARIA SMITH a customary tenant of this Manor , at a meeting outside the above Court , surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor aforesaid  through THOMAS SEAVERNE and THOMAS MARTIN , two Customary Tenants of the Manor aforesaid ,all that Customary Messuage or tenement with appurtenances in Shrawley aforesaid , called or known by the name of USHWALLS ,  and all the Customary lands or Tenements appurtaining  in the same place to the work and use and behhof of MARGARET SEAVERNE , hers heirs or assigns , according to the custom of the Manor aforesaid , under the condition that if the aforesaid MARIA SMITH , her heirs , executors or assigns , shall pay or have paid , to the same MARGARET SEAVERNE her executors , administrator  or assigns the sum of £140 in good and lawful money of Great Britain after the end and examination of 8 years , after making the above surrender aforesaid, with interest for it , then the above surrender aforesaid shall be void and of no forCensus And they present that USHWALLS aforesaid is heriotable and that the aforesaid MARGARET SEAVERNE is the next tenant of the aforesaid premises and may seek admittanCensus

1808 JANE SQUIRE paid 17sh 3d rent to J.Phillips
THE WEARE  –  THE WERE  – THE WIRE   THE WEER  WEIR INN1389Bailiffs account  12s paid for the farm of the Weir in the Severn BA 91/921548       WILLIAM PATERWYN   (The Were)  Rental  4s BA 7335/201548 WILLIAM PARTWYN
1613        THOMAS PAYTWIN   (The Were)1615        THOMAS PAYTON   (The Weare)1618       JANE d.of THOMAS PAYTWYN bap1620        THOMAS PARTWIN   (The Were)1640        THOMAS PAYTWIN  died (The Wyre)1650       JOHN PARTWYN  (The Were)WIDDOW JONES  of The Wire died
1685         ROBERT STONE of The Wire died1812       GEORGE TURNERWm. BOURNE prop  William Smith Occ.
1827       WILLIAM BOURNE occ WILLIAM SMITH Land Tax1828Aug 1st MARY ANN d of WILLIAM & CHARLOTTE SMITH bap publican1839May 15th ELIZA d of JOHN & ANN BURROWS bap InnkeeperJOHN HUGHES  occ. by JOHN BURROWS
ANN BURROWS  Publican  Census
1850       WILLIAM COOK  Kellys Directory
Date unknown THE WEARE: John Stone m. Edith – had sons Richard and Hugh. John Stone died.    Edith m.( ?) Paytwin, had a son , John.Passed to his son Thomas Paytwin, who sold to John Farley.Descended to Walter Farley
WERECROFT-field next to the Weir1389       Bailiffs account 6s 8d for herbage sold   BA 91/92 1548        WILLIAM PATWYN  Rental 7335/20(8)
​WESTHOUSE  –  WASTEHOUSES WAY1607       WALTER SEAVERNE  Freehold  Rental1616       THOMAS SEVERNE1617       THOMAS SEAVERNE  (Wasthouses Way)1617        Oct 5th RICHARD s. of THOMAS SEVERN bap1800        THOMAS SQUIRE  (Westhouse)1808       MRS SEVERN1812        JAMES SQUIRE  (Wastehouse)1824 Oct 31st JAMES s of THOMAS &CATHERINE MILNER bap lab1835         Sold by Auction in Oct as part of Severn House Estate. Ref 705:550  BA 4600 8701839 THOMAS PICKERNELL John Tonks,Thomas Cale, and Benjamin Clayton1840 MR BRASIER –Caldecott Will –part of Wastehouse called THE WALK left to MR BRASIER 1841 H.F.VERNON part of Wastehouse, cottage and land occ. by Watson and others1841       THOMAS CALE Ag labCensus18442H.F.VERNON part of Wastehouse , land occ. by Forty and Johnson1851      BENJAMIN CORBIT occupier –ag lab.(Waste House) JAMES BROWN  occupier – ag lab1854 THOMAS BOWATER VERNON bought part of Wastehouse estate for £8001881       SAMUEL ANDREWSLabCensus1881       GEORGE PREECEWheelwright1881        JAMES BRASIER Retired  farmerCensus
WEST VIEW main rd
WHITEHOUSE Sankyns Green
WOODBINE COTTAGE 1,2&3 down New Inn Bank ​Landowner Saamuel TaylorOccupier Price, John; Wormington, Jeremiah & Clark, Thomas
WOODEDGE COTTAGE Noutards Green behind Rock House New Inn Lane ​Value
WOOD FARM  – Cockthrum COCKTHRUM  –  COCKTHORNE  -COCKTHAMM  – COCKTHRAME    ​1548WILLIAM RANDOLL cottage rental 4s  BA 7335/20pt311607JOHN SEAVERNE  Copyhold  Rental  BA 7335/20  111650WILLIAM JOHNSON  Rent for copihold 4s  BA7335/201680 JOHN SEAVERNE – (Cockthrum)
1685MARIA wife of BRYAN SEAVERNE1689JOHN SEAVERNE(Cockthorne)1733THOMAS BOWATER VERNON   Dougharty Map  tenant  JOHNSONS?1815REV SAMUEL WHARTON1836REV SAMUEL WHARTON1839THOMAS BOWATER VERNONocc      JOSIAH CROYDEN(T)1873FREDERICK FORD     Farmer / butcher  Littlebury Directory  [Wood Farm]1841JOSIAH CROYDON Census1881JOHN SMITH   farmer 50acres empl .2 labs   Census  [Wood Farm]1896JAMES STOREY  Kellys Directory1901JOHN MARKSFarmerCensus1904JOHN MARKSfarmer,  income tax  collector, assises, overseer  and  Clerk to the  Parish Council
WOOD FARM  – Cockthrum COCKTHRUM  –  COCKTHORNE  -COCKTHAMM  – COCKTHRAME    ​1548WILLIAM RANDOLL cottage rental 4s  BA 7335/20pt311607JOHN SEAVERNE  Copyhold  Rental  BA 7335/20  111650WILLIAM JOHNSON  Rent for copihold 4s  BA7335/201680 JOHN SEAVERNE – (Cockthrum)
1685MARIA wife of BRYAN SEAVERNE1689JOHN SEAVERNE(Cockthorne)1733THOMAS BOWATER VERNON   Dougharty Map  tenant  JOHNSONS?1815REV SAMUEL WHARTON1836REV SAMUEL WHARTON1839THOMAS BOWATER VERNONocc      JOSIAH CROYDEN(T)1873FREDERICK FORD     Farmer / butcher  Littlebury Directory  [Wood Farm]1841JOSIAH CROYDON Census1881JOHN SMITH   farmer 50acres empl .2 labs   Census  [Wood Farm]1896JAMES STOREY  Kellys Directory1901JOHN MARKSFarmerCensus1904JOHN MARKSfarmer,  income tax  collector, assises, overseer  and  Clerk to the  Parish Council
WOOD FARM COTTAGE1733      JOHN JONES  part of Wood pleck cottages on Dougherty Map showing land bought by Vernons1786      SAMUEL HARRIS, indenture, mortgaged to William Beach a Pleck of land and cottages near by Noutards Green. Better known by the name Wood Gate near to the New Inn. BA 5589  Ref 705: 1921823 JAMES HARRIS  BA 5589 705: 192  Indenture 
1832SAMUEL HARRIS died .House and Land passed to Sarah Harris for her lifetime.1832      JOHN VERNON  purchased the property for £151839 467 on the Tithe Map
1844      SAMUEL HARRIS  Freehold H/L  Elec Reg  1857      Oct 11th MARY d of WILLIAM & SUSANNAH JONES bap lab
WOOD HOUSE  –  THE WOOD HALL1733CAPTAIN VERNON as tenant  .Owned by Bowater Vernon    Dougharty Map1827T J VERNONLand Tax1839      ELIZABETH VERNON  owner /occ. Tithe1841     ELIZABETH VERNONCensus1844     JOHN VERNON    Freehold H/L     Elect reg   1850     THOMAS VERNON Kellys Directory1881     FRANCIS J A WOOD    Retired OfficerCensus1892     FRANCIS JOHN ADELBERT WOOD  Kelly’s.Directory1896     Uninhabited owner  Sir H F VERNON  Kelly’s.Directory1900     CHARLES ACKLAND ALLEN nominated by H F Vernon to be a Trustee of Vernon Bourne Charity1901      Uninhabited1904 JAMES HUGH ALLAN  (K.D.)
1911      JAMES ALLANCensus
WOOD FARM COTTAGE 11881         ELIZA POULTNEYgen labCensus1901         CHARLES SPRAGGcarter on farmCensus
WOOD FARM COTTAGE 21881     THOMAS POWELL   cooperCensus 1901      CHARLES JENKINS  gamekeeperCensus1922    CHARLES JENKINS died   WILL 

1848  part of Hamptons 
1848 THOMAS JONES   Wood Lane    Elect reg 
WOODLAND COTTAGE centre of village1873MRS HARRIETT SMITH shopkeeper   Littlebury’s Directory [Woodland Cottage]1881           EDWIN ALLENTailorCensus
WOODLAND COTTAGE centre of village1873MRS HARRIETT SMITH shopkeeper   Littlebury’s Directory [Woodland Cottage]1881  EDWIN ALLENTailorCensus
1873MRS HARRIETT SMITH shopkeeper   Littlebury’s Directory [Woodland Cottage]1881    EDWIN ALLENTailorCensus

See Carthouse
WOODSIDE HEIGHTS built cica 1975
WOOLLEY  –  WOLLEY BARN  (Park Close)1607    MR CHILDERental for one close which WALTER SENKYN held BA 7335  20ii  705:7  Demesne land
1650?         (Woolley Barn
​WOOD PLECK COTTAGES (As on Dougharty map 1733)17331. House nearest Wood Gate  -(now a Bungalow) – HANNAH MARSHALL tenant of Bowater VernonHouse opposite  -WILLIAM JONES  tenant  of B.V.Now Post Office- JOHN JONES   tenant of B.V also WOOD GATECottage EDMUND MATTHEWS tenant of B.V.Horn Cottage – JAMES POWELL  ​
YE GREEN1545 Nov 1st    THOMAS son of ROBERT STONE bap
YEDES MILL1548 JOHN ASTONNE and pasture called Gylbarts 15sh 7d rent BA 7335/20
1881       SAMUEL CLARKECarpenterCensus1881       JAMES CLARKELabCensus1898      SAMUEL CLARKE 231-tenant property of Sir Harry Foley Vernon Rent-5s BA 5589 parcel 54​